the Interview is really coming to an end, as Stine Sara Cold suddenly exclaimed:
I once fistet a goat with a chainsaw.
The bombastic announcement to be followed up quickly with a loud laugh.
– Not, I have not. I don’t know where it comes from.
The 36-year-old woman with Tourette’s is in record time become a popular figure in the country, and the interview should really be about the popularity that has hit her. In the few months she has risen from 400 to 500 followers on Instagram that she is now being followed by 63.400 users.
After appearances in ‘Go night Live’, Extra Magazine and P4, she was increased to 7000 followers, but since Instagram-fænomet Anders Hemmingsen on Thursday shared a video, where she suddenly cries out, ‘I have sucked seven dicks in Thailand yesterday’, tipped it in with new people, who would follow in her life.
– It has exploded a little, acknowledges Stine Sara Cold, who value its new status as the influent. The she can use to raise awareness of Tourette’s, which is the cause of the outbreak, she didn’t even check.
– I am mega-grateful, for it means that I can reach out to even more and tell them about Tourette’s, and how you can turn things in a positive way. I’ve gotten so many messages from people who have Tourette’s or know someone who has, who say it has made a difference for them. It makes me happy all the way into the heart. I would like to talk about it, without it should be a taboo, she says with a clear smile in his voice.
Stine Sara lectures and talks about life with Tourettes on Instagram. It is important for her to make people smarter on the disorder. Photo: Per Rasmussen
If she had been følgerskaren after a visit in a realityprogram, she was most likely starting to hunt for a career as an instagrammer. It is not immediately plan.
– I am just thinking, it is a great platform. I would like to give lectures and create happiness, and I think, there follows a certain responsibility when you have so many followers. It is important that I get taught some things that people can use for anything. It is very, very important to me that I use it here for something good, ” she stresses.
Tourette syndrome is a chronic disorder which is seen in the form of involuntary movements, jerking or twitching, and involuntary sounds.
The motor tics can be, for example, twitching of the eyes and face, spjætten with limbs and knækken with your fingers.
The vocal tics are unintentional sounds or words, such as, for example, humming, sniffling, grynten or the howling.
one Has Tourette’s syndrome, the risk to have other disorders such as adhd and ocd be greater.
the Disease occurs about four times as frequently in boys as in girls.
Sources: and
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Some times she can analyse why certain phrases and phrases fly out of the mouth of her. Other times, she is just as amazed as the recipient. Among other things, she has for the time tics on a ‘Lars’, and she have no idea who Lars is.
– Are you ever ended up in trouble because of the things you say?
– Not yet. I’m quite good to explain what happens, and what makes that I have the here tics. But there was a time when I was in the city, and afterwards at the pizzeria. There I got a far tic, where I cried for a guy, that he was a chicken, and that I had fucked his mother.
– He had actually even had tics as a kid, before I got said that I had Tourette’s, the “home” it to him to say that his mother would never fuck such an ugly hooker. It was a lot of fun, for his comeback came incredibly quickly. It ended up that he got a highfive. One must turn it into something positive, laugh she.
Directly when asked whether or not she can be nervous that the many people just follow her to get a cheap laugh over the horrible thing that comes unannounced out of the mouth of her, she replies quietly.
– It may well be that there are some that do it, but it is well, what that comes with. I can still not do much about. Whether they do it or not, so they will still be made aware of Tourette’s and what it is, she says.
In recent months, the Stine, Sara had a tic where she can find to shout that she or others have coronavirus. Read more about it including:
Community – 8. apr. 2020 – pm. 21:20 Stine Sara have Tourette’s: Shout ‘you have corona’ for the people