postcards are one of the vacation like to Sleep in and eat ice Cream. You sit under the striped umbrella of a café and leaves his Relatives or friends know that you are thinking of them.

Mostly, it sounds approximately like this: “dear grandma, dear grandpa, here in Sicily, it is beautiful, we spend almost every day on the sea. It is very hot and we enjoy the good food in full.” Later purchased at local Kiosk with your awkward Gestures and the help of Google Translate a stamp in the first place and it is hoped that the holiday greeting arrives before one is back in the country.

What many today is part of the holiday, everyday, in the German-speaking countries 150 years ago, the Form. Although there was previously already a handful of precursors of the post-card, was introduced in a so-called “correspondence card” was officially the first in 1869 by the Austrian Post .

Personal communication

These cards, the predecessor of today’s postcards, were without imaging sent, and rapidly gained popularity. The concern is that this indiscreet Form of communication may not resonate, was unfounded. Particularly, it was estimated that the cards were delivered quickly: just in Time for the Mail delivered, it could be that the card in question was issued within the same day by the addressee.

Thus, a lively exchange of these cards, which were in contrast to the conventional letter cheaper and already in the first four weeks after the introduction of over a Million copies were sold.

The illustrated Version of the correspondence card was not long in coming. Only 15 days after the introduction of the cards in the former Austria-Hungary, the bookseller and printer August printed Schwartz, and sent them to his Relatives. In the following three years, the new communication format was introduced in other countries such as Germany, Finland, England, America and Switzerland.

The German-French war of 1870 and 1871 gave the correspondence card, which received a little later the present name of the post card, other recovery. During the time of the war it is estimated that tens of millions of cards from soldiers to their friends and Relatives sent. The post card has been more and more popular communication medium to the masses.

thanks to modern and affordable printing techniques through to the after in 1896 post cards with motifs and illustrations. In the case of these postcards motives from attractions, cities, and landscapes as well as still today, were particularly popular.

the success of The postcard reached its peak between 1897 and 1918. A million times she was sent out short messages, greetings and wishes have been conveyed from Person to Person. The emerging passion, post, spread at this time to collect cards from all over the world. Specially produced collection plug-in albums were produced by many publishers. Although the traditional post card is lost then slowly again, she rejoices today in a new Form, still a great popularity.

postcard via Smartphone

So post cards with the 2014 launch of PostCard Creator App of the Swiss Post via Smartphone sent. A post card per 24 hours is free of charge – an offer that, according to the media office of Swiss Post, has already been used in the first year after the introduction of the App 800 000 Times.

Meanwhile, the number of with the PostCard Creator App sent post cards amounts to a multiple thereof. Here, the sender types in via a Smartphone a Text, from your own digital photo album a picture is selected, and a recipient added. The post card ends up a few days later in printed Form in the letter box of the addressee.

In the year of 2017 have been sent with the App are more than nine million postcards – a clear sign that the application of 150 years ago for the first time sent a post card gives a second youth. Since the Text is not written by Hand, is missing an important personality trait to the so-sent cards.

however, This is done by the Smartphone itself shot image of betting that can be sent thanks to the App, instead of a predetermined subject. So if you want to send the next Time during the holidays a greeting to his Relatives, can save even the corridor to the Kiosk, after Writing: Via the App, the post will be prepaid cards, namely, automatically. (Basler Zeitung)

Created: 24.01.2019, 16:49 PM