“Svenskkopplingen is a disgusting excuse”

“Moskéattacken in Christchurch”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“the Attack started at 13.40 local time (01.40 cet). During the terror attack against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killed at least 49 people and even more were seriously injured. Masskjutningen livesändes in social media, when the chief suspect terrorist went to attack against men, women and children.”

“It is not only the deed which is horrendous, but also the svenskkoppling used as a pretext. The dark automatic weapons used to mow down moskébesökare was covered in scrawled notes with white text. On the first weapon had the offender has written, ”Ebba Åkerlund”. It is the name of the 11-year-old girl who was killed in the terror attack on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm, sweden in 2017. The australian terrorist, who call themselves the “Brenton Tarrant” in social media, also stating that the shooting was a ”revenge of the Ebba Åkerlund”. The idea that massmördandet of innocent moskébesökare in any way could be a revenge for the bombing is absurd.”

“Acclaimed the deed at the Crown school”

“Not enough to Brenton Tarrant makes Ebba Åkerlund to the symbol as to justify a mass murder. The extreme right-wing terrorist river up the wound and thereby forcing parents to deal with a terrible terrorist attack. As Her dad puts it, to Aftonbladet: “I was cold sweat as soon as I saw that he had the rifle with my daughter’s name on it. How in the hell will we ever get to mourn in peace?”.”

“But it does not stop there. The manifest Tarrant released before the church is full of white power and antimuslimsk propaganda. In the tribute, he also Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, who murdered 77 people on Utøya and in Oslo in 2011, and Anton Lundin Pettersson, who stabbed to death three people in the Corolla school in Trollhättan 2015.”

“the Same idea that the of ICE.”

“The survivors are wearing already at the heavy anchor of regret. Thoughts go to, among other things Entasar Faris, whose son Avalanche was murdered in the terror attack in Crown school. Avalanche hjälteförklarades after his death, for having tried to protect the children from Lundin Pettersson.nTerroristen in Christchurch using a terrorist attack as a pretext to carry out a private. To clump together and attack people of the same faith is basically the same twisted reasoning of both the nazis and terrorsekten ICE.it is the worldview that leads to more killing of the innocent. “