“Sweden hit by new svartmarknad”

“A new form of the black housing and contracts has arisen in Sweden in recent years, according to the police and property owners.”

“Organised crime is thought to be behind – and now crave the housing sector after the new, stricter rules.”

“Sure, there have been traded with svartkontrakt and faked lägenhetsbyten in the past, particularly in attractive areas in urban inner cities. But the last two, three years it has happened, says Marie Öhrström, general counsel at trade association the property owners.”

“– this is a new type of black trade, trade with the sublease and the so-called madrassplatser. It has reached even to the ytterstadsområdena and often affects those who are very far away from the mainstream housing market. The crowded living conditions and unsafe living environments is a serious development, not least because families suffer, ” she says.”

“Can’t their rights”

“the Problem is over the whole country.”

“– It is what it is new. It has spread to the whole country, and it takes a lot of paid for the contracts. Many people who move in are not aware of their rights and are in desperate need of housing.”

“the Housing crisis makes that the contracts have become a commodity, and in the second or third hand. People pay to get the actual contract, and they think they have bought a real home. But it works not with the sublease in Sweden, ” she says. Therefore happen to those who bought the illegal andrahandskontrakten often bad, ” she says.”

” We need a housing market with lower thresholds for the socio-economically vulnerable groups and more apartments provided by the housing office.”

“But those who are involved with svartlägenheterna have been able to ravage freely.”

” Unfortunately, we have been getting judgments on the black and low anmälningsgrad, so there is very little risk of getting caught. Often, it affects those who are furthest away from the housing market, for example, newly arrived.”

“It is also common to rent that is inherent on a mattress, and it makes the crowded living conditions to the extreme. Several families can stay together. It makes the situation very difficult, especially for the children, ” says Marie Öhrström.”

“– We hear that they have come to Sweden and don’t have anywhere to stay, and that this is exploited by people who see an opportunity to make money, ” she says.”

“Kristian Halldin, a coordinator in the fight against organised crime of the police in Stockholm, confirms the picture. It is a completely new form of the black housing market, which has emerged, with considerably more vulnerable people as victims, newly arrived or migrant workers.”

“– Those who come here have no experience of the Swedish housing market, with rights and obligations. They become easy victims when they are fooled into buying what looks like a real contract, though it is in the second or third-hand, ” says Kristian Halldin.”

“He also tells us about the so-called madrassboendena, where lots of people hire themselves as inherent to the soaring prices and stentuffa conditions.”

“– There is an organized crime behind this. They establish contact with the prospective tenant, they do get accommodation and they can also get people who don’t pay.”

“It is not the usual svartmäklarna dealing with this,” he says, ” this is the tougher type of hyreshajar.”

“– There may be people with links to the housing market. It is organized the network, but not the which has links with violence and firings.”

“the Rise in the recent past, he believes is partly due to the alarming housing shortage, but also of the police and other authorities’ priorities.”

” We in the police have given priority to the violence and firings, but now also a violation of the welfare system.”

“But the black housing also allows a variety of other crimes. By register in the wrong place, can, for example, you incorrectly pick out both a housing allowance and other benefits, according to Kristian Halldin. Authorities are now using all the methods available to track svarthajarna, ” he says.”

“– The result is not always in a criminal investigation just about this, but on the other, as the investigations for tax reasons and arbetsmiljöbrott. No one should be able to hide, ” says Kristian Halldin.”

“Now is lagskärpningar on time.”

“– the Current legislation is too weak. The property owners, SABO, the tenants ‘association and the police are for these new rules,” says Marie Öhrström.”

“Now is a proposal on referral of the council, and according to the ministry of justice aiming at to get a finished bill in the spring.”

“the Bailiff has reported on the growing number of evicted families with children. In Södertälje, which is one of the municipalities where the vräkningarna of just families with children is high, is said to have just black sublease to be the cause. The authorities know not to families with small children staying in the apartment when they are supposed to evict the tenants for unauthorized subletting.”

“the Enforcement officer shall examine how it looks in the rest of the country.”

“According to both the property owners and the police, however, have the black rental market has increased tremendously over the past two to three years in utanförskapsområden over the whole country.”

“Source: the tax collector, the property owners and the police.”

“Right now, there is The consideration of a bill that involves the tightening of the hyresområdet, in order to reduce just black.”

“Among other things, proposed restrictions in the exchange law for rental housing, stricter penalties for the sale of contracts and the criminalisation of the purchase of the lease agreement.”

“the Rules for subletting tightened, according to the proposal, as well as the ability to take out high andrahandshyror. To rent out an apartment without permission for the high rent is proposed to be criminalized.”

“the Proposals are based on an investigation from 2017, and according to the department of justice, the goal is to obtain a complete bill in the spring that the riksdag may decide on.”

“Source: ministry of Justice,”