“Sweden’s EU minister wondering what the british want,”

“Prime minister Theresa May received an instruction of the british parliament to return to Brussels and renegotiate brexitavtalet – which the EU says can not be renegotiated.”

“minister for EU affairs Hans Dahlgren (S) claim not to be wiser than anyone else when it comes to what the british really want to.”

“– That I can’t answer. We must ask what this alternative arrangement is. I think the ball is still in London, he says to TT after the vote in the british parliament.”

“It said on Tuesday, with the voting figures 317-301, in favour of the amendment with the requirement to replace the controversial our backup plan is going about northern Ireland with a”

“But at the same time, the EU sources said that Brussels cannot accept such a solution. And also the president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron has said that it is impossible to renegotiate the agreement as such.”

“the EU deputy chief negotiator, Sabine Weyand said, although on Monday that the union still has the door open for alternative arrangements, but added that the british not said what it would be.”


“– after all, They have not spoken about what they want to change and our view is that this utträdesavtalet is, and remains, the best way to have an orderly exit for the british.”

” this agreement is not omförhandlingsbart, continues Dahlgren.”

TT: But do you think the british know what an alternative arrangement is – or is it just air?”

” I don’t know. They must say to themselves, ” he says.”

“Dahlgren also points to the risk that the old conflict in northern Ireland flare up again if it becomes a hard brexit with a closed border between northern Ireland and Ireland.”

“The british parliament also said yes to a proposal that aims to exclude a avtalslöst british withdrawal. It looks Dahlgren as basically positive, because he says that a withdrawal without agreement – a so-called hard brexit – would be the worst and most expensive for both the EU and for the Uk.”

“– that is why It is so important to adopt this agreement.”