“Swedish nyhetsåret according to Donald Trump”

“the Us president tweet about the 2018”

“the World has probably never been in greater need of powerful and responsible leaders who can describe the time we live in and to formulate the way into the future.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“the World – Donald John Trump.nSå this would 2018 be able to sound like if Donald Trump had tweeted about nyhetsåret from a Swedish horizon.”

“JanuarinSvenska Film is forced back after the loud criticism against their insistence that filmmakers must go for a training in”

“FebruarinNäringsminister Mikael Damberg (S) goes out with harsh criticism against the moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson and call his leadership”

“*The Apprentice was the reality show where the fortune hunters competed for a position in Trump’s empire.”

“MarsnFack and employers to reach an agreement with the government on the etableringsjobb for new arrivals and the long-term unemployed. The swedes can also rejoice that Zlatan Ibrahimovic makes even a succédebut, now in the Los Angeles Galaxy. From 40 metres, he makes the goal with a somewhat fairy-tale halvvolley.”

“AprilnMetoo-konvulsionerna continues to shake Sweden during the year. In april forced the Swedish Academy, the first female permanent secretary removed from his post. In his call Horace Engdahl, Sara Danius ”

“MajnSocialstyrelsen going after many if and but that it is not possible to make safe medical åldersbedömningar. The mr has been life-saving for thousands of young people seeking a residence permit turns out to be uncertain, particularly for girls.”

“JuninTre killed and three injured on Drottninggatan shopping street in the escalating gängbråken in Malmö. Rakhmat Akilov is sentenced that same month to life in prison for terrorist suspects after the attack on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm, sweden in 2017.”

“JulinSvenska spain goes to the åttondelsfinal in the football world CUP in Russia and France become world champions. The election campaign enters a more intense phase and with the political summit in Almedalen. This year is all the party leaders on the spot, unfortunately, is also not there and spreading fear and concern.”

“AugustinSverige experiencing its hottest summer for at least 260 years. Water wells dry up, the crops dry up and forest fires raging across the country. All of the party marks its presence on the fire-weary places, in addition to Jimmie Åkesson. “

“Not since 1985 have so many swedes have gone in the way to the polling stations to vote. The result creates confusion in the minds of our parties already on the election night. Ulf Kristersson, and the Alliance proclaims itself to be a winner despite the fact that they have a mandate smaller than the red and green. For the first time in the history of the kingdom of Sweden may not be a new government in an election year.”

“NovembernSverige is still without a government. The centre party and the Liberals vote together with the red and green down the president’s proposal to appoint Ulf Kristersson to the new prime minister. The liberal parties justifies its decision with the fact that they do not want to contribute to The sweden democrats will have a major influence over such a government.”

“DecembernPå the climate summit in Poland raises the 15-year-old Greta Thunberg attention when she accuses the world’s leaders for having betrayed humanity when faced with an existential threat, and explains that they”

“SlutordnNu we go into 2019 with an increasingly polarized public debate, a världsfascism with the wind in its sails, a powder keg, Yemen, and a climate crisis that threatens mankind’s existence.nSamtiden is a nasty place, perspective the problem that we are complex, but the world’s most powerful man have in all cases the right of that, there are still messages that are formulated best in 280 characters:nMå 2019 be the year when the conflicts are smaller and samförstånden more. Let climate change be taken seriously and the debate give us constructive solutions. “

“Happy new year to all readers. “