“Terroristens manifest is a trolling”

“Näthögerns quips is bloddränkta after Christchurch.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“is it Possible to understand what drives someone to murder men, women and small children?”

“When the suspected killer has written a manifesto, perhaps it will go. And Brenton Harrison Tarrant – 28-year-old who is suspected to be the perpetrator behind the massacre in new zealand Christchurch – authored an such. The title is ”The great replacement”, the big folkutbytet.”

“you Become wiser from reading it?”

“”the Manifest is a sting operation for journalists who want to know what is behind this terrible crime. There are clues to understanding the offender’s radicalisation, but it is buried under tons of shitposting”, journalist Robert Evans written.”

“Shitposting is a term used when you publish material whose main purpose is to crash a debate or cause offence and confusion of the people who doesn’t get the joke. The suspect terroristens manifest idleness of the hands of such, with references to memes – phrases, images, and video clips that spread on the net and trollningar.”

“In the manifest claims the terrorist to the video game ”Spyro 3: Year of the dragon” made him etnonationalist and to the video game ”Fortnite” taught him to kill and flossa on the likes. There are claims that are directed to other shitpostare, people who take ”

“But in the material Tarrant compiled are also tributes to the british fascistledaren Oswald Mosley, the nynazistiske bank robber David Lane, the terrorists, Anders Behring Breivik and Dylann Roof as well as the Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadžić. He speaks ”

“this is Brenton Harrison Tarrant, typical of the new young högermannen: They have lived their whole lives on the internet and have created their own alternativkultur based on skämtbilder to provoke, deceive and trick. They have learned that the ability to arouse strong reactions is what is rewarded. In a subculture that wants to break anständighetsregler to a tannic or shock anyone have nazism, racism and sexism become some of favoritgreppen.”

“”the Culture grown on the online forum 4chan, is not in the first place fascistoid, but nihilistic and limitless. And the self is boundless, is violated by anyone who tries to set limits. They are called wimps, fragile snowflakes, cowards. All that provokes the will on the other hand, allies”, the writer Daniel Wiklander written about the new näthögerns strategy.”


“In the day you can with a few clicks – often on sites such as Youtube and Facebook – enter in ytterkantssammanhang where the most insane perceptions are normalized. And because these groupings of image and videoskapare use of irony as a way to hide their intentions, it is difficult for people to know what is pretend and what is serious. The extreme right has been understood to make use of it to promote their ideas about race war.”

“Between the ironic winks, young men an opportunity to meet the extreme voices that confirm their worldview and encourages them to act. Here is an ongoing low-intensity form of brainwashing – where the depictions of male violence, uploaded, distributed, consumed and remixed – that aims to scramble the morality, conscience and compassion.”

“in the end, it leads to actions.”

“Before the carnage in Christchurch wrote Brenton Harrison Tarrant on the forum where he was most active that it was ”time to stop shitposta and make a real effort”.”

“The irony flinet has solidified.”

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