pending 22nd June, everything is good to alleviate the discomforting lack of public in the theaters. And especially the most original initiatives… The Forum des images has had the excellent idea to launch an experiment which has the merit of being innovative.

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from this Tuesday, June 9, the cultural institution paris launches “The WIRE”, a virtual room for sessions that are durable, that will take place every Tuesday at 20: 30, on the platform e-cinema of The Twenty-Fifth Hour.

Nicolas and Bruno in full “read” living Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï , the COMIC cult Fabcaro (published in 6 feet under). Screen Capture Forum images.

The leaders of the Forum have designed a virtual programming, specific, and éditorialisée, celebrating as much as you can on the film, but also exploring its blending with the digital creation, the COMICS, the video game, the music or the humour…

The first session of the THREAD is thus devoted to the reading lively and funny Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï, the BD cult of Fabcaro (published in 6 feet under) filmmakers Nicolas Charlet and Bruno Lavaine.

There is a real kinship between the comedy of Fabcaro and the tandem of Nicolas and Bruno. Screen Capture Forum images.

For those who have not yet read the album Fabcaro, we could summarize the plot of Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï. After shopping at the supermarket, a father, a cartoonist finds himself on the crate, unable to present to the cashier, who asks her “store card”, because “he has left in his other pants.” Follows a huge run in France, during which our hero became a fugitive is pursued by all the fonts, creating in the media and in all the towns it passes through a real psychosis.