“system change, not climate change”, it means to the climate of the demos. Side-by-side run pragmatists who want to build more solar cells, and Revolutionary, calling for a radically new society. The predetermined breaking point of the Green?
no. This question is not left our party apart. We Greens want to storm not a winter Palace, confess to us how the climate movement to non-violence. In addition to demonstrations and strikes, the direct democracy provides us with many opportunities for pragmatic as for fundamental corrections.

The Green party is the natural Partner of the climate movement. You should not engage in direct?
of Course, we come to the Demos in contact with each other. But I don’t think it is right that my party is now trying to seize the movement of the Association. For example, by promoting the Demos. Or by taking prominent heads of the movement on their lists. We must also assume that the committed young people to choose now, without exception Green.

Are Green in the core of a party of ascetics, which the kidneys, Switzerland to waiver, buses and a bad Conscience, is Missio?
The young of the climate movement seem to me to be much the ascetic, as if it were the most Green. Their demands are also a challenge for me. I am a farmer’s child, and eating the meat belonged to me. It is now a matter of defining pleasure. How can we enjoy the travel without flying? How to eat and enjoy, without the need of meat every day?

A Thesis of right-wing politicians: Green would be elected only if the economy brumme. Then you could afford it.
environmental crises give us more lift than economic crises, that is so. But a green economy is a sustainable economic policy – including economic sense, and also in times of crisis. A green economy will generate investment and jobs. I have taught for 36 years at a construction school, and there was great Support for the green economy. You shone the apprentices, and even many of the SVP-teaching a master immediately.

moving Climate and Green something to learn from the “Green New Deal”, to the Left of US is striving for?
The ecological requirements are largely the same. It is striking that the Democrats emphasize the social question much more than the has done, for instance, our Green Deal programme in 2009. Second abnormality, the emphasis on “Green Skills”. The qualification is about, a house to insulate and energy-saving heating. Here, we need to grow in Switzerland. A surprising number of German and Austrian companies operate in us ecological construction and remodeling. Not only because they are cheaper. But also, because they have more skilled workers.

Speaking of technology Expertise:? your party enough of it Whether we can cope with climate change depends largely on the right use of the right technologies.
Our party has changed in this regard. There are today a lot more ETH-Cracks, and Phil-II-graduates, which offer us a great deal of Know-how. On the party tip, however, this is less a matter of self-technology knowledge to accumulate. But to make this Knowledge in to the party’s base fruitful.

The Green party has distinguished itself as the party of the Anti-NUCLEAR movement. Nuclear power would be now, but in terms of CO2 emissions rather attractive.
We can create the energy turnaround without nuclear power. And we Greens will us ever speak for the NPP. That would be one of the two sin cases, it is allowed to commit our party never.

And the second would be?
betrayal of the pacifism. The protection of the environment and pacifism are the two core themes of the Green, which we need to remain faithful. Otherwise we go under. As the German Green party in 1999 answered in the affirmative, the air attacks on Kosovo, has divided the party and their rise during the years slowed down. A still worse fate bloomed for us, if we answer in the affirmative, suddenly NUCLEAR power plant.

2011 the Green votes lost – in spite of the Fukushima disaster, despite clear Anti-NUCLEAR election campaign.
After Fukushima, we were in the High. But then, Doris Leuthard, decided a nuclear phase-out, and after the summer break, the thing seemed to have done. We were still on the nuclear phase-out as the main theme. Here, we would have had to quickly rethink what he managed, for example, the social Democrats are better. In 2015 we missed against the Background of the refugee crisis, the major opportunity to position us to the SVP as a humanistic Alternative.

So something didn’t happen to you again?
The conditions are far better. We are well-positioned this year the theme of the table wider. Just think of the tax reform, we are fighting currently, as the only major left-wing party. And the climate movement there will be in the autumn. The Federal Council can’t decide on the exit from the climate change.

The last summer was a Horror for many Swiss farmers. But yet you chose little green.
You have to differentiate. Organic farmers and organic farmers were close to us always. Show everyone how a green economy can look like. The conservative farmers, who tend to be set nationalistic than members of other occupational groups, separating us with ideas now of things. Especially the question of how Switzerland Europe. But in the face of climate change, the Bourgeois lose in conservative farmers on the ground. I also notice in the conversation with my brothers and sisters, the peasants. Or think of the images, such as SVP-Bauer Andreas Aebi was in the last heat of the summer, thoughtfully in front of his withered fields. The Green and the farmers, there’s still a lot to happen.

so Far, was: The Green only if the SP loses. The formula’s still the same?
It is always talked about, which party have taken away what the parties agree. And far too little is seen, who can not mobilize voters. If the turnout is 50 percent, then the offer voters a huge potential. We take the elections in Zurich: While the SP lost easily, but the Alternative list made up for it. And at the same time, the Green rose. The Green will create today is to bring previous non-voters to the ballot box. Because a new time is obvious dawned with the climate movement. And the Swiss social democracy has managed the feat to compensate for the Loss of their classical constituency, the workers. For the Swiss Left about 40 percent in medium-term. Everything is going for us right now. This is the second major campaign issue of the year, we have not yet spoken.

would it be?
women. Climate and women, therefore it is now this year. The woman’s strike on 14. June could be really big. Even rural and religious women, with planning now. Women who do not have thought in 1991 that, in such a strike. And with regard to the equality of women, are placed in the Left hand and also much better, much more engaged than the Civil.

What is with the green liberal? Capped FDPler that do not want to compromise on the Affection of the left Milieus?
your success is gratifying. They offer a tight-Bourgeois who think ecologically, which is an Alternative. In the environmental policy, the Green work with the green liberal party has long been very good.

It’s soon time for a green councillor?
we’ll have to come to at least 10 percent of the voters share, and then two, three Legislatures long to confirm. But it would be a mistake to broach the issue now is the Federal Council question. The for the Green the most important factor this is, in fact, completely foreign to the climate movement! (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 25.04.2019, 15:14 PM