“”The farm”-Mary’s harsh criticism against the Swedish TV4”
“Maria Bjerkheden: ”Sickest fucking tv programme ever””
“Maria Bjerkheden was thrown out when she left a dead hen on the stairs to the storbonden Mahsa Farajollahis cottage. “
“Now accusing Maria TV4 to angle the program and encourage bullying. “
“– There is an agenda behind everything, ” says Maria.”
“In tonight’s program may Maria Bjerkheden, 52, to leave ”the Farm” after having put a dead chicken on the stairs to the storbonden Mahsa Farajollahis, 30, cottage. “
“To Nöjesbladet she says that she is dissatisfied with the output angles of the program and that she has been portrayed in a wrong way. “
“– There is an agenda behind everything that happens, and it doesn’t matter what you say for it will be angled in a way that can generate money for the production, ” says Maria. “
“When Paolo Roberto comes to the farm to tell Mary that she is forced to leave the program, she thinks that he is joking. “
“”the Farm”-Maria: ”the Sickest tv programme””
“– But then when he said I’m too hard, I thought that it was the production that decided it here. There was no one else who complained and I never had any enemies in there, “she says, and continues:”
” It was damn nice to go home. There were several who wanted to go home, but that is not got to. “
“You mean that TV4 stopped the others?”
“– Yes, you may not leave the program. It is a breach of the contract. Inger (Johansson, who had to leave due to health problems reds. note) had to beg to go home. She was jättesjuk. Sickest fucking tv program ever.”
“What do you mean by the sickest of the program?”
“– I is not the last that will go out and there are more who will become sick. Many are extremely disappointed at how the angles of everything. You can only see the bad. TV4 should make sure that there is some injustice, for it is things that are designed to lead to bullying. It is a game for the gallery.”
“Nöjesbladet has been in contact with Joel Bendrik, the executive producer of ”the Farm”, who think it is boring to hear about how Maria is experiencing the program. “
“”It is very sad that Maria feels this way. She was forced to leave the Farm in order that she violated the rules and guidelines that exist,” he writes in an email.”