In Berlin, the shooting for the second season of the ZDF-series “Bad Banks” directed by Jacob Vaughan, and in accordance with the rotation of books by Oliver Kienle started. In six other consequences of “Bad Banks” tells how the financial world invents half a year after the crisis. In the main, Paula Beer, Barry Atsma, Désirée Nosbusch, Tobias Moretti, Mai Duong Kieu, Albrecht Schuch, Marc Limpach, Germain Wagner, Jean-roles to see Marc Barr. New to the Ensemble Saavedra, Trystan Pütter and Tedros Teclebrhan, in addition to the other Noah, the ZDF reported. Kienle had also written for the first season of the screenplay, had been directed by Christian Schwochow.
Tighter regulations are making the business of the merged “German Global Invest” is extremely tedious. The long-awaited promotion to the Executive Board moves for the new investment boss Christelle Leblanc (Desiree Nosbusch) in the distance. For Jana Liekam (Paula Beer) is not running in Frankfurt according to Plan. But she has brought with her Team in position. While the old banking world moves at only half-power, the young financial sector in small, mobile Start-ups and Fintechs a fundamental change.
producer Lisa Blumenberg said, “in the second season, a hint of Revolution has taken our young bankers. You have seen how unstable the financial system is, and ask whether it has the old Form of a future. We’ll see if this Revolution eats their own children.”
New energy, new hopes, new Fears
author Oliver Kienle, the European banking industry is “in a state of upheaval. The old, discredited and broken-regulated, banking world, on the one hand, the young, modern, digital technology world on the other. The energy of change, the fear and insecurity of the young bankers, but also the hope in the new technologies that provide the breeding ground for another emotional roller-coaster ride.”
For Frank Zervos, ZDF-Main editor-in-chief of television film/series I Bank of the world and the TV world in a state of upheaval. “Bad Banks” had become by the unique combination of a contemporary Look, astonishing to Tell, the thematic relevance and the outstanding acting performance, to a Synonym for “High-End series made in Germany” and have set the standards.
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55. Grimme-price five series for TV-award nominated
Rotated according to ZDF-data expected until mid-April, 2019 in Berlin, Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Barbados, and the Virgin Islands. “Bad Banks” is a production of the Letterbox Filmproduktion (producer/creative Director: Lisa Blumenberg), Iris Productions (producer: Nicolas Steil) and Real Film Berlin in co-production with ZDF (Caroline Send, Alexandra Staib), in cooperation with Arte. The production is funded by the Film Fund Luxembourg, the German Motion Picture Fund, Hessen film and media, as well as by the media Board Berlin-Brandenburg. A broadcast date is not fixed yet.