“The government saves on the elderly and the bet on rich”

“The lack of always money. Except for tax cuts.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“tomorrow, The Magdalena Andersson submit vårbudgeten to the parliament, and in interview after interview, the minister of finance has hammered out his message: voters should not expect any great deeds.”

“– the Scope for unfunded reforms of 2019 is almost non-existent.”

“It is the Conservatives and Their errors. When their common budget, with the support of The sweden democrats, won the autumn budgetomröstning was a sixth earned income tax credit and the breakpoint to pay the state tax was raised. 20 billion disappeared from the treasury, but some skatteåterställare it will not.”

“Yet it is the 73-point programme that the social democrats negotiated with the Liberals, the green Party and the Centre party full of promises on the expenditure and on the need for investments to be financed.”

“In the magazine Kommunalarbetaren tells the treasury that it will make savings of four billion. 310 million in targeted funding from the government to the care of the elderly smoke. According to Dagens industri, the government will also cut down on discretionary government grants to the vocational education and make savings on industrial policy and development aid.”

“This is the same government that says you should eliminate värnskatten, a state income tax for those earning over 59 000 sek a month. The big winners there are in the rich metropolitan municipalities as Täby, Lidingö, Vaxholm, Lomma and Vellinge. In Danderyd, sweden, has more than half of the men so high income that they pay war. In Munkfors and Dorotea, on the other hand not a single woman who earn enough to be affected.”

“the Municipalities requires resources”

“for years, politicians have saved in the barns, and put the money on the high. The requirement that the education, health and care will work has all been laughed away with that it is important to keep the budget and to build up a scope. Now it is the new message that there is missing money. The lack of always money. Except for tax cuts.”

“the Consequence of the attitude we see.”

“the Welfare, not least in the municipalities, is facing enormous challenges. It needed immense resources to cope with the care of the elderly, the care of the sick and to the education of children and young people.”

“at the same time, according to figures from the central Statistical office that the income differentials in Sweden has never been greater. More and more swedes have incomes that are below the EU’s limit of relative poverty. Between 1995 and 2016, the average property income by 500%.”

“For the social democrats, there should be no more important task than to break the trend by letting those who won on the past decades of increasing inequality has to pay.”

“instead, it cuts down on the care of the elderly.”