has opened a Few hours after the spectacular art theft in Dresden in New York, an exhibition with many works on loan from the famous treasure chamber “Green vault”. The “Green diamond” enchants the visitors of the Met – and could be rescued have been.

With verzücktem facial expression, two elderly ladies look at the glass showcase on the second floor of the New York Metropolitan Museum. “You know how much I like lapel pins,” says one. “This one here looks particularly glitzerig – wow,” replies her companion.

In the showcase of the “Green diamond sparkles” – “Dresden Green”, is called him to the Metropolitan Museum – a hat piece of jewelry with a unique stone of the 41-carat gold and natural coloring.

The piece comes from the Green vault and, together with 16 other works on loan from the famous treasure chamber of the Saxon state capital is part of the exhibition “Making marvel’s: the Science and Splendor at the Courts of Europe”. On Monday, the Show for the visitors, opened only a few hours after an Unknown person had stolen on the other side of the Atlantic, art treasures of hardly measurable value from the Green vault. The trip to New York could have saved the “Green diamond” and the other works on loan from the Treasury.

“We are shaken”

“We are shocked to hear of this theft,” says the Director of the Metropolitan Museum, Max Hollein, according to a notice to the news Agency DPA. “The Met, and secure the entire Museum world, it is hoped that these very important works to come back immediately and safely.”

The pompous exhibition, “Making marvel’s” in the Museum on Central Park in Manhattan, the up 1. March 2020 should be seen, gathered together objects of art and treasure chambers, with which European princes in the Renaissance and Baroque periods represented their Power and splendor. With a large poster of the famous facade of the Museum, the Exhibition is advertised. The arrival of the diamonds, the Dresden State art collections (SKD) as a “sparkling Ambassador in Dresden, Saxony,” in New York have called, glistened even in the top of the Empire State Building in Green, however, due to the weather behind thick clouds of fog.

August the Strong (1670-1733) bought the “Dresden Green” in 1742, for then-like 400’000 Taler to say. The pure stone is, according to SKD, a miracle of nature, and owes its unique coloring and the fact that he was exposed to in the Interior of the earth’s natural radioactivity. In the Museum shop at the Met, the jewelry work to post can be purchased cards, for two dollars per piece.

“nothing is coming”

as Always, the exhibition people stay on the opening day at the glass showcase by the “Green diamond” for yourself, and look at the piece from all sides. A Museum guard is watching you critically. He had heard of the incident in Dresden, he says. The safety precautions in the New York exhibition had not been increased then, but. “Business as usual. Here, cameras are everywhere. And we. Here, nothing comes.”

have the art theft on the other side of the Atlantic, however, still get nothing. “What, in the Green vault in Dresden? Since we were already there,” says an American woman. “What a beautiful city and what a beautiful Museum. How could this happen?” Her husband looks on with concern in the direction of “Dresden Green”. “How good that is here nor there. We need to watch out now quite well.” (chk/sda)

Created: 26.11.2019, 03:41 PM