“I fear that someone drops out and dies,” says D. B. to his train journey on Friday morning. The door of his car remained after the departure in Brugg on the open track and at full speed open. Just before bathing, and after about eight kilometers the Zugbgegleiterin I can close the door. Occurred has left the incident, according to “20 minutes” in the inter-Regio, the Brugg at 7.30 am in the direction of Zurich.

As can be seen on the recordings, was hit a car-type unit car IV. This type of car since a fatal accident in early August in the criticism. At the time, the Closing was not working properly. The conductor, Bruno R. was sandwiched in Baden, and several hundred meters dragged. He died.

the cars Are safe?

and Then the SBB promised to improve. All of the nearly 500 cars of the type were subjected to a special control. After a ticking-off from the Swiss Federal office of transport in addition, the clearance process has been changed.

Since then trains should depart only if the driver receives the Signal that all doors are closed. The car could be operated safely, said the SBB at the time: The taken immediate measures “to ensure, according to current knowledge, the security of passengers and staff was”.

“is confirmed to car function properly”

The SBB, that a EW-IV-car was affected. The door was functional, says spokesman Raphael Hirt. A technical fault had not occurred. “The SBB assumes that the door has been opened after the closure of the emergency release again.” The track under the affected door pull as quickly as possible to an in-depth inspection in a service facility. The staff have noticed the open door and closed it.

Who is actuating the emergency unlocking, after the door control has taken place through the crew, sit down, and the traveler considerable danger. “The door locking may only be used in case of emergency lifted,” said shepherd. The multi-language recorded. “An emergency was not available to our knowledge.”

not working backup?

a reader says, he was entered, because the other doors had been closed. The train had left the station with the door open from Brugg, without someone to have operated to his Boarding the emergency release. “It can’t be that the train is so long.” This narrative faced, says SBB-spokesman for shepherd, it is possible that the emergency release had been in front of the exit is actuated.

Actually, the driver would then receive a Signal that indicates to him that the door is open, and enabled him to stop the train. In this System, it is a so-called green loop. If this Signal is received by the train driver, and why the train did not stop, can not answer the SBB so far.

“the incident is devastating,”

For Jürg Hurni of the trade Union of transport personnel SEV of the incident is “devastating”. “The safety is guaranteed, neither for the staff nor the passengers.” After the fatal accident, the SEV had demanded to draw the EW IV of the traffic. Now he sees himself confirmed: “Obviously, here the green loop is not working again and the engineer was not shown that the door was open.”

be entered loops These technical defects in the Green with the special investigations after the accident revealed, the trade Union Secretary. “It urgently needs more personnel in the maintenance, the EW IV can be operated safely.” There are also more staff on the trains was necessary. The only way this could make sure that after the exit, all the doors were closed, says Hurni. “What is happening here is catastrophic.” (red)

Created: 01.11.2019, 17:57 PM