antiquities-MagazinSihlamtsstr. 4, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Nothing against the Motto, to live in the Moment. But sometimes a little well-kept escapism into the past is also very nice. For this purpose, there is no more fitting backdrop than the cantonal component stock. Soils from demolition of houses, vintage doorknobs, bathtubs with lion’s feet: Who architecture, and their history is interested in the inside, comes out of here so fast not again. He does not have to: For appetizers, Drinks and a pianist at the well-kept-out-of-tune piano is taken care of. And who needs the information to a separate component, is advised by experts (19.30 / 21.30, respectively, for 1 h).

financial Museum pfingstweidstr. 110, 8005 Zürich

The business section of the newspaper comes at you at the most in the compost bucket to use? But actually, it’s not something embarrassing that you know what stock indices and this SMI are exactly? Then you are 1.) not alone in this, and 2.) in Züri-West, where in the summer of 2017, the Museum, with the economic focus was opened to the correct address (guided tours at 20.30 and 23.30). It was nominated this year for the EMYA (European Museum of the Year Award). And even if it were not for the victory has passed, you can allow yourself now to a Live DJ, and Drinks.

moulages Museum tailings bachstr. 14, 8091 Zurich

Admittedly, For the squeamish, this collection is for the faint of heart-nothing. Rashes, fungus, eczema and the like together here in the Form of wax models – is precisely the so – called moulages to a Madame Tussaud’s of a slightly different kind. Fascinating, is it still the same, especially if you can medically misted experts, historical and anatomical background to explain (short guides 19 at each hour on the hour). The main topic of the Evening is Syphilis. If you like then hit still at the snack buffet: only to.

Everything from Yesterday: In the antiquities magazine in it’s way, even the writing.

succulents-collection mythenquai 88, 8002 Zürich

it is the proof that self-exhibition homes Trend is subject to tides. For many years, disappeared from the Radar, is the good old Sukki currently one of the Hotspots in General. Who wants to be hip, holding a cactus on the window sill and instagrammt diligently his Sukki visits. Good Subjects are likely to provide the short guide to Spaghetti-cactus (20 PM). And thanks to the guest game of the Institute of Sound-Tech of the ZHdK, the woven bioelectric signals on the surface of the cactus to a sound carpet (every hour from 19: 30), you can hear the prickly green compacts for the first time…!

Cabaret Voltaire, spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

The medieval house in the Spiegelgasse 1 in the Village, where over 100 years ago, the anti-art form of Dada saw the light of the world, traditionally a place where the otherwise celebrated be is is. After you have tasted at the Bar by 15 absinthe varieties, are disappointed in the sense of perfectly cope Gera to experience the information provided Performances as the once-Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings and co. did. It comes to Patriarchal trauma, and Einstein as an Opera. Are you confused? That’s right!

cemetery-forum aemtlerstr. 149, 8003 Zürich

at Night in the cemetery. You’ve never been, but always wanted to? Join one of the guided tours at the cemetery Sihlfeld (21.30, 22.30, 23.30, 30 min). The meeting place is the cemetery-Forum, where currently the exhibition “The last order” from the things that people leave behind when they die. Alone in Switzerland, every year is so much Material that it would fill five Prime Towers (short guides 18.10 PM always 10, except 20.10).

the cemetery lighting of a different kind: The one experienced during a tour at the cemetery.

Long night of the Zurich museums
Sa?18 to 20 hours

Combi Ticket: 25 CHF (incl. free travel in the VBZ-Zone 110 to 5 PM) advance booking in most of the participating museums, at the ZVV-Contact-customers centers and in the Tourist Service in the HB

Created: 04.09.2019, 16:23 PM