“There is no Swedish counterpart to the SD and KD”

“Debater: Right now it is just Åkesson and Busch Thor, which made the new political situation”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Many have called Union’s decision to stop giving financial support to the social democrats as a historic change. But no one seems to have taken, which in this historic change actually consists of. “

“For me, it is obvious that the main meaning is that the 1800-talsmässiga political högervänsterskalan is losing its dominant position. “

“Several of the parties that have their roots in class society struggle over the material resources are on the ropes: the M, S and L. V and C can seem to hold its position, but at the price of massive ideological shifts. “

“The real framgångspartierna right now is, historically, the inventions that wanted to highlight other dimensions than the materialistic – of course, the SD with its ethnic nationalism, but also to KD, which was created as a christian party. “

“Because the Green party’s future, with the low poll and partisplittring, appears uncertain, does this mean that there is a risk that Sweden slips into a mode where the new GAL-TAN-the scale becomes more important than högervänsterskalan, but with a skewed center of gravity by SD and KD sits heavy on the TAN poland (Traditional, Authoritarian, Nationalist), while GAL-poland (Green, Alternative, Libertärt) is empty or weak. “

“does anyone Think that V or C can occupy the position? Do they want to? Both have, despite some GAL-element in its policy is quite comprehensive anchorages in materialistic thinking, to the right (C) or left (V).”

“Even if there remains scandalous fattigdomsfickor in Sweden, as well as the shocking rikedomsbubblor and increasing inequality, Sweden is material for most of the citizens one of the world’s most prosperous countries. “

“we can partly thank the Socialists and their välfärdsbygge for. “

“But now it’s time for completely new areas of concern, not least the environment and the climate crisis, but also how migration should be managed both safely and humanely, how equality is to be completed, how the increasing group of elderly people should be treated as full citizens, how lgbtq people should be equal in gravity, and many other lifestyle and valuation issues.”

“According to the political scientist has all the parties have a life cycle of around a hundred years. In Sweden, they have old 1800-talspartierna have been in integrity to stay unusually long. To end this now can be seen clarified by the Union’s decision. “

“the Future belongs to the parties that proceeds from the GAL-TAN-scale. So far seems to TAN-parties, SD and KD, have caught the new mode better than the GAL representatives, type MP, FI, and the Pirate party. “

“Therefore, it is high time that all grönalternativa, feminist, libertära forces mobilizing in, instead of splitting into sectarian civil war. “

“It is a national public interest in that the new GAL-TAN-the scale does not lose the balance, but that the SD and KD are treated, not only by the current temporary makttaktiska fyrpartialliansen, but out of a genuine ideological counterweight in the form of a party that is in the beginning of its centuries-old life cycle.”

“nPer Gahrton, former spokesperson and one of the founders of the green Party. Member of parliament for the liberal american tourists 1976-1979.”

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