The First thing the refugee makes his entry, is to measure the house with the Mecca App. A bit strange this action, finds his German host family. With Allah as a sub-tenant of the time “-Reporter Henning Sussebach, his wife and their two children have not expected”, as you have granted Amir Baitar, the math students from Syria, in December 2015 at the shelter. The WG is starting to work but, “I want to live with you” will say Amir. A first step to the certificate Integration. Also the Germans can learn here.
written About the experience of living together have Amir Baitar, and Henning Sussebach a book. “Under one roof. A Syrian and a German to tell”, 2016 in the Rowohlt Verlag, is a long-term reportage that is told from different perspectives from the daily life of a refugee in Germany. The book is also an appeal: “when, damn it, was the Chance to be a reinvention of the world is greater than it is now?” is there.
The Theater takes this Chance to come true. Because the “Under one roof”-stage adaptation, directed by Beren Tuna, the theatre had its Premiere on Thursday in the Even, is more than a retelling. You extended the space of the template with other stories, other voices. Also, since Shiva is next to Allah, the moved in with Amir to the German house. This is damn clever.
writings on the wall
With Irritation, begins the piece. Open the door, three actors come on stage. Tahani Salim writes in Arabic script on the wall, you will be this evening at all, the Translator into Arabic, and what Happened from your point of view, comment. The two men talking in the room. A says: Since the rear of the bedroom, because the front of the wardrobe – “we have three empty hangers depends on extra on the line for you”.
Everything here is almost like in the book. The host talks with his guest, as he has set up at the new place. But then Matthias says, they had also built a Shiva Shrine. Shiva? He was not a Hindu, says Patrick Balaraj Yogarajan. Where he come from, then? The patzige answer: “From the dressing room.”
registered The biographies of the actors in the piece. Yogarajan came up with 11 years, from Jaffna to Germany. Koch was born in Lucerne in, studied in Vienna. Salim played the Theater in Syria, Palestine, Zurich. The three have made the experience to be a stranger in a strange place, and pass on this Experience in “Under one roof” to the audience. Sometimes we do not understand what is spoken on the stage. And see what it’s like to not live in a world that you understand so completely. But we can learn to do this.
All in all, it was a beautiful evening. Sometimes irritating, but always inclusive. At the end you see “Welcome” on the wall.