After the attack on an AfD-office in the Saxon town of Döbeln, police have identified three suspects. The 29, 32, and 50-year-old men were arrested on Thursday evening in preliminary, as the state office of criminal investigation (LKA) of Saxony announced on Friday in Dresden.

The state protection is presumed to be a politically motivated act. Saxony’s Minister of the interior, Roland woeller (CDU) condemned the “cowardly bomb attack”. Only by great luck, no people came to harm.

On Thursday evening, it was before the AfD party office in Döbeln an Explosion. An LKA spokesman reported that it was obviously pyrotechnics “with a relatively strong pop record”. The building is significant damage to door and Windows. Promotional materials that came in the office in a fire, were extinguished by the fire brigade.

By the Explosion were damaged in addition to the neighboring building and two parked vans. No one was hurt. The three suspects were questioned on Friday. Further details of the alleged perpetrators, coming from the room Chub, were not initially known.

LKA-President Petric Small welcomed the rapid “success”. The Minister of the interior woeller spoke of a “new quality of violence against representatives of the policy”.

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In Saxony had taken it in the past weeks and months, repeated attacks on the party offices of the AfD in various cities. People came to harm. The attack on the AfD office in Döbeln represents, according to the LKA “in this respect, a peculiarity, as due to the induced Explosion, the damage of people aware”.

in Saxony the AfD faction and Chairman Jörg Urban called for “a consistent condemnation of this terrorist act and the Takeover by the attorney General”. Since the advent of the AfD in the Saxony state Parliament in 2014, there have been a total of around 80 attacks on public offices of the AfD and the private houses of the members of the party.

The AfD in the Bundestag, Heiko Hesse, Kemper, whose office was in Dobeln the target of the attack, urged against the perpetrators must be hard to be gripped by, for example, in the case of Freital. Among other things, due to bomb attacks on refugees and political opponents, members of the extreme right-wing group Freital accommodation were in March sentenced to more years of youth and imprisonment. (sda)

Created: 04.01.2019, 15:02 PM