“Vocational training is needed, (M) and KD”
“Almega: do not Go into the same trap that the red-green government”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Labour market training is under threat. In recent years, the socialist government reduced the budget by 600 million. “
“In the state budget, such as the parliamentary arbetsmarknadsutskott is expected to stick before christmas, proposes the Moderates and the Christian democrats further a substantial slimming. The sights are set on training shall be down in a few years.”
“It would be a hard blow to all the unemployed who do not receive a bet that leads to jobs and to the business community who are missing out on talented employees. In extension, this may affect Sweden’s prosperity.”
“Businesses are crying out for skilled labor: cooks, bricklayers, nurses, machine operators, panel builders, nannies, and bus drivers. Labour market training is a quick way to solve their skills. “
“It’s all about short, vocational courses specifically created for industries where there is shortage of staff. The training makes it easier for the business community, and welfare to recruit employees with the right training and experience.”
“Researchers at IFAU has found that training leads to higher incomes, increased employment and lower socialbidragsberoende”
“It is unclear what evidence the Moderates and the Christian democrats based their proposal on. In any case, it is not the overall science.”
“labour market training is one of the most successful labour market programmes right now. Nearly one in two unemployed will get a job after completion of training.nInom some in-demand skills, nine out of ten jobs.”
“Researchers at IFAU has found that training leads to higher incomes, increased employment and lower socialbidragsberoende, both in the short and long term. To this can be added assessments from the national audit office, the Treasury and the public employment service.”
“KD wants to replace labour market training with the department of work. But the courses have different legal frameworks, audiences and circumstances. “
“The unemployed need more motivational efforts, higher teacher to student ratio, the greater the adjustment of education and longer years of schooling than motivated to study students within the adult vocational training. “
“the state Treasury, expertmyndigheten for the effective management of the state, notes that this is an important explanation as to why the education has a slightly higher cost than the businesses.”
“Compare instead with the last government’s labour market policy flaggskeppnextratjänsterna. In 2017 and 2018 has the extra services cost 5.4 billion and provided a total of 185 people, with a real job. It is an ineffective effort immediately should be scrapped.”
“With the right reforms can labour market training will become even better. We will reinstate the goal of having 70 percent of the participants within three months after the training to have a job. It increases the arbetsförmedlarnas motivation to send the right people on the training and then match them against jobs.”
“in Addition, should a part of the compensation to the providers of education to be based on the results. High quality of education and a number of people in work will be rewarded. Providers with low results should be completely discarded.”
“Our call to the Moderates and the Christian democrats are not to go into the same trap that the red-green government. Shot from the hip and ogenomarbetade proposal was severely criticized by the council of state, and expert authorities. Instead, reforms need to be properly prepared and have carefully prepared impact assessments.”
“We will therefore invite the leaders of the groups from the M and KD in the labour market committee in order to discuss how we can get an evidence-based labour market policies. There is a consensus between us – not least about the Employment future. “
“Our common goal is to more to come in the work. Labour market training is an important way to go.”
“nAndreas Åström, economic policy director AlmeganFredric Skälstad, branch manager Almega training companies”
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