“We are thousands of Josefin living with violence”

“Debater: the Perpetrators are the men who abuse – and the society that lets it happen”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. We are thousands of Josefin. Thousands who have lived and are living with violence. We, both victims and perpetrators, are your neighbors, your colleagues and your relatives. And most of the perpetrators go free and live their lives without reprisal, while we who fall in their way will pay with our health, our economy, and sometimes with our lives.”

“the Perpetrators are not only men who abuse. It is also the society that let it happen. It is the police not investigating a crime, the courts will not judge the perpetrators, social services, calling the violence ”

“22 women were killed last year by men with whom they had a relationship with shows Crime’s latest report. Every fifth woman is exposed some time in their life. Get the notification but the notifications increases. “

“Last year was notified of 13 400 cases of violence against women. At the same time, the number of convictions has decreased. Only 148 men were convicted of the rough kvinnofridskränkning 2017. And despite the fact that the punishment scale goes up to six years of imprisonment will be the penalty for the 90 percent of those convicted, less than a year.”

“Many of us are affected by this disease or post-traumatic stress disorder and recovers never. In a fictional case study presented in the SOU 2015:55 is estimated that the cost amounts to between 6 and 10 million sek in sick leave, discussion support, criminal investigations, socialtjänstutredningar and trials for every family where the father beats up the mother. And we are thousands of families.”

“When politicians want to combat violence against women they often more money to women’s shelters. But the shelters have neither the power or responsibility to protect us and our children. It is the social services, the police and the judiciary. And they do not have today sufficient knowledge. “

“For the social workers became victims of violence in close relationships a required course as late as 2017! Many administrators call the violence ”conflict” in their investigations. Investigations then form the basis for decisions by the courts in custody cases.”

“the Police and social services refer to day abused women to shelters. Where we become isolated and may not work or meet friends. Our children have to leave school and nursery. While our perpetrators stay in our home and continue their lives as usual.”

“The physical violence always begins with psychological violence. It is so they break us down. Only when we are weak, the violence escalating with nudges, stranglehold, kicks and punches. “

“Often escalation of the abuse, when we are pregnant. But it is the only visible physical damage that leads to convictions. When we reports focused interviews only on physical violence: ”he Hit you with the open hand or clenched fist?”, ”was met with the battle?””

“Many of us have children who also have to live with violence. But they are not seen as a victim and no one is convicted of the crime against them. “

“And at a separation, they are forced to continue visitation with the abuser. When we try to protect our children, we risk losing custody, as we have seen in several high-profile cases in recent times.”

“Now we are demanding change. At all levels and in all agencies who encounter battered women and children. We require skills, resources and protection, more stringent laws and punishment and we require a child’s perspective on the real. For no one should have to live with violence, either women or children.”

“And you, who is a relative, friend, neighbor, colleague, or fellow-being; you can make a difference! Dare to ask. Offer your help. To take a stand. We need you.”

“nPia Eklund, representatives of We break the silence”

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