“The population of professional photographers is now threatened.” The message is clear: already dangerously weakened, photography has paid a heavy price for these two and a half months of confinement. In a tribune published on June 10, in the columns of Liberation , more than 700 photographers, journalists and authors are trying to alert the president of the Republic on their situation and demand a “real plan of financing and subsidies”. Among the signatories are Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Véronique de Viguery, or Sebastião Salgado.

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may 6, Emmanuel Macron announced a series of measures to boost the sector of the culture, completely shut down since the beginning of the confinement. If “the world of photography has caught his breath, impatient to hear the rescue plan promised by the president, his expectations were disappointed. Nothing has been set up for the photographers, if not a vast programme of public commissions “for the trades of art, live performances, literature, the plastic arts.”

consequences “devastating”

The economic and financial consequences of the health crisis, for professional photographers, however, have been “devastating”, is concerned, the Union of professional photographers (UPP), at the initiative of the forum. With the closure of cultural sites and the shutdown of events, without counting the measures of social distancing, which have complicated their working conditions, photographers have been hit.

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And their future prospects are not encouraging. “At the approach of summer, a time of great events, festivals and exhibitions, the terms and conditions of déconfinement progressive do not allow photographers to distribute their works,” regret of the signatories, so that all the events of more than 5000 people are banned until September.

Don’t leave us without images, simply save the photograph !

For photography professionals, it becomes then urgent to obtain measures that are tailored to their needs. “He came back [to the State] to defend, without concessions copyright and the value of the photograph in a context in which to develop new forms of illegal or unfair,” asks the tribune, referring to the increasing use of image banks.

Other claims: conditional grants allocation to the broadcasting preferred images of photographers practising in France, especially in the sector of the press and publishing, and grant favorable tax conditions for investors of these images. “It is necessary that businesses and individuals find the desire and willingness to invest in French photography. And it is your responsibility to facilitate and encourage this movement.” The signatories to end the forum on a last request, but not least: “Don’t leave us without images, simply save the photograph !”

The editorial team conseilleConfinement: in the secret of the windows belgesRencontres photographic festival in Arles: “We need to be there, this summer!”The MEP launches a photo contest of confined on InstagramSujetsCoronavirusPhotographieemmanuel Macron4 commentairesCrin Blancle 10/06/2020 19:14

The corporation of the applicator of the flies has also suffered a lot with the health crisis.

Morbihannaisle 10/06/2020 18:44

Me also I want to d el silver public free of charge, all of these artisans, traders, business leaders who condannent the state and its public services all year round, want the state to serve up to the brim of the wallet……it is ç puke !

marcel bernard 1the 10/06/2020 18:29

In the end, all the corporations have suffered from the incarceration and each request for redress for the consequences of a situation that has been imposed. Good luck, the macroneuneux; you have taken the worst decisions and now he will have to face. Billions, who wants a billion? I’ve left out and I can do to make a promotion; you ask for two, you’ll get the third free. It is not beautiful the life?

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