“Australia recognizes west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The country will, however, wait to move its embassy from Tel Aviv, said prime minister Scott Morrison.”
“only recognise western Jerusalem to the country, according to the prime minister demonstrate his commitment to a two-state solution and a lasting repsekt for the relevant resolutions of the UN security council, reports SBS News.”
“– Australia recognises that Jerusalem’s final status, including its borders, is a statusfråga to be resolved between the parties, “he says, adding that the current stalemate does not work,” says Morrison.”
“East Jerusalem should sometime in the future, be recognised as the palestinian capital, according to the decision, which the prime minister describes as the”
“A ambassadflytt can come into question when it is practicable, according to the prime minister. Australia will place a defence and handelskontor in Jerusalem and look for suitable locations for the embassy in the future.”
“the Measure was approved by the parliament’s national säkerhetsutskott on Monday.”
“Morrison told me in October that Australia was considering to move their Israelambassad from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which aroused anger in neighbouring Indonesia.”
“During the Friday urged Canberra australians travelling in Indonesia to be cautious, and warned of future protests in Jakarta and popular tourist destinations.”
“The australian-palestinian network Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) believes that Morrison’s statement that the decision supports a two-state solution only”
“– It is pretty naive because Israel has declared the whole of Jerusalem as its eternal and undivided capital. So even if we are pompous can say that we are just linking us with west Jerusalem as it’s not as Israel sees it, he says to SBS.”
“Browning says that even if the statement is better than to admit to the whole of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, it does not help the peace process.”