the Amazing power of the little choir sounds through the room. He is to this day, only seven singers, but this into the kidneys elated, the songs and rhythmic, “My little green Kaktus” by Comedian harmonists, the Song invites you to clap along. The special feature: All choir members suffer from Parkinson’s disease. You don’t sing alone out of pleasure – it also helps you against the symptoms of the disease.
The existence does not affect long-only from the well-known Tremor, the Tremor: Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease, with time, the entire motor skills, language and balance. The so-called Rigor, the muscles cramp, the movements are stiff, and in the case of a phenomenon called “Freezing” freezes for a while every movement formally. In addition to the coordination of blood pressure regulation and bladder function are disturbed. In addition, the facial Expressions frozen in time. And because the diaphragm becomes weaker, lose Affected the strength, when Speaking evacuate air and produce a loud tone.
choir member, Doris Wieland noted, moreover, that it got increasingly hard to Articulate. Also, this happens to many Parkinson’s affected individuals, your language is blurred and choppy.
“Singing has the same effect as a therapy and Fun.”Doris Wieland (68), the Parkinson’s patient
Singing practice, however, you strong to Breathe and Speak clearly. “I choose to intentionally short, fleet songs, mainly German or French,” says choir Director Xenia Zampieri, trained singer. “These languages-understand all, so you have to Sing and more time to focus on breathing and articulation.”
Actually, choir singer Doris Wieland from your known circle has already received a number of positive feedback: “I talk louder and clearer, my environment understand me a lot better,” says the 68-Year-old. The Best part was that it was a choir and a rather dry therapy: “Singing has the same effect and Fun!”
network-generated ideas
A disease that has so many faces such as Parkinson’s, you must meet with diverse forms of therapy: At best, a combined therapy with drugs, Physio-, Logo-help, Ergo, and psychotherapy, in certain cases, also with a deep brain stimulation by means of implant – and, not least, with Singing and Moving. For the past two years, the centre for movement disorders, University clinic for neurology at Inselspital Bern works with the clinic, Bethesda, Tschugg together in the Bernese therapy network Parkinson’s.
This is a network of therapists, Doctors and Caregivers held each year on training and services for people Affected by. The Parkinson’s choir began as the idea of this network work. Julia Müllner, senior physician at the center for movement disorders and the Department of Neurorehabilitation in the island hospital, explains helps: “Singing to control the breathing better, and the rhythm of the songs to help the Affected in a clearer and louder articulation.”
“thanks to the training, your gear is safer, and the risk of falling.”Aniya Seki
Shortly before the Start of the therapy network had picked up the Bern professional fighter Aniya Seki, an idea that arose in the USA in 2006: “Rock Steady Boxing”, a special Boxing training for Parkinson’s sufferers. That sounds strange, but just boxes suspected to increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
“our Training is not happening,” says Aniya Seki calmly Affected to fight not against each other, but undergo individual training to increase your strength and agility, Stretching against stiffening, Beating against the Shaking and foot work for the Balance. “Thanks to the training, your gear is safer, and the risk of falling.” Fighter Seki offers the training as a volunteer: you will find it great that you can help those Affected. “The disease makes the movements smaller and smaller,” she says, summing up. “In the Boxtherapie we will make you great again.”
movement has been proven to help
That movement in Parkinson’s helps, to prove, in the meantime, numerous studies. The Dutch neurologist Bastiaan Bloem of the Radboud University, for example, explored whether Cycling can delay the progression of the disease. The idea Bloem came to him, a 58-year-old Patient who was ill for ten years, Parkinson’s disease, and severely under-Freezing-symptoms suffered: He could move his feet when walking from a place.
In Cycling, explained to the Patient in conversation, the much better. The Professor couldn’t believe his ears, but the Patient was showing it to him, and a film document on Youtube (“Cycling for Freezing Gait in Parkinson’s Disease”) demonstrates: the Same man comes when you Go hardly forward, triple step, Chen freezes and drops eventually to the floor, moves briskly, with the bike on the road and even handles elegantly a tight curve. When getting On and off, he needs help, but the pedal is preparing his brain, obviously, no difficulty.
A possible explanation for this phenomenon, a study with Parkinson’s diseased mice. Therein, the neurologist noted Bloem, in the brains of those mice, which were driven to the Sport, different than in the control group, a new dopamine compounds had formed. The Neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for positive feelings, but also for harmonious sequences of movement, is produced in the case of Parkinson’s disease in ever-smaller quantities. Specific Training for strength, coordination and balance, however, can mitigate the effects of this dopamine deficiency.
the Dancing is particularly suitable: The common rhythmic Moving to music stimulates the motor, intellectual and emotional – and thus improves the quality of life of those Affected.
top doctor Julia Müllner would like to call in the Bernese therapy network is coming soon in addition to the Parkinson’s choir, a Parkinson’s-running group (“Park-Walk”). Also, this group has the aim of bringing together Affected and to promote their motor skills. “In addition to the movement also does be good, this Remember, that one is alone,” says Müllner. “I very much hope, therefore, that soon even more people dare and join in.” To find participants, was not easy: “Many have inhibitions of being exposed.”
it is worth, against these inhibitions to fight, proved the Parkinson’s choir recently at an Information event on Parkinson’s disease at the Inselspital Bern: Mani Matters song “Hemmige” sounded as spirited and uninhibited that there is no doubt about it: Singing is such a joy, that it will solve spasms and Parkinson’s symptoms can relieve.
Parkinson’s sing Bern:
Parkinson’s boxes:
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 18.02.2019, 01:15 PM