“Who am I – and if Yes, how many?” The title of Richard David Prechts philosophical journey from 2007 has not lost its meaning, because now also on questions such as “Who owns our digital I hear?” is a fight. This was the case on Wednesday, the topic of a discussion event in the Telefónica Basecamp in Berlin-Mitte.

is not So complicated, the answer to the ownership question, because even the Digital Natives know who stores all their data, and where, about the number of identities Precht has a clear idea. Because for the philosopher, author and TV host, uses social media is “lack of time” is hardly, in the network equal to three.

For the plural identity of the formal, for example in home banking to use or if the electronic identity card is to take out the first heard. In addition, the self-constructed identity, in which people in the Social media to show how they themselves want to be seen. The Paradox: Everyone wants to be the Same, namely, different than the others. The Cyber psychologist Astrid Carolus from the University of Würzburg, noted that this was in the Offline world, “not quite so blatant”, but basically not much different. Here, too, there is a need for self-staging, the possibilities are just limited.

The third identity is for Precht anonymous when on the net hate comments, or pornographic content to be posted. This identity is just as important as the other, since, otherwise, a spirit of the dictatorship of the threat.

Undeletable wandering identities

But to whom does the data belong to now? Data that you can’t delete it in the social media really. You can not get to a delete instruction, even to your face, but which are nevertheless present. It should be exciting, so Precht, the Form in which these identities around spirits in 50 or 100 years is still undeletable.

The question of who is to ensure the identity, not be solved in practice. “This is the task of the state or the private sector, who is building a cyber-wall around me?”, want to Precht know. The desire for anonymous data is an important criterion for the customer. “The need for protection, we see clearly, and that is also important”, said Markus Haas, the CEO of Telefónica Germany.

control is an Illusion, in the Alternative, by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt proposed self-control over digital abstinence is for Precht. “This self-censorship is the end of a free society.” There’s also the check at Google don’t help, you agree that your data is being abused. “The misuse of data as a custom called the law” as Precht. The right to informational self-determination, which was fought in the 80s in Germany and the European Charter took place, was as inalienable as the right to free elections – even if some contemporaries on both would refrain, if you recharge for life-long in vain, or always in a free Wi-Fi access.

resonance with rode

missing crazy The standards. In political discourse, the worst things get the most clicks and would stand out the most. “You can see that Donald Trump rode a missing statement after the other makes, because he knows that what he gives thus in resonance.” And in the case of the use of data the high appreciation of many of the data behind enjoy. The quality of your character and work performance would be measured by the quantity of traces. “We are increasingly in a society that begins to keep to the measurable side of the world for the world,” said Precht.