The Romans and public transport, this was never a very happy relationship. Nothing suits you more than about the duration of late, of old, burning buses, and constantly stick to the end, crowded, evil-smelling streets and subways. Maybe about the waste? And so it was a daring, but brilliant idea, as the city administration and the unloved, the heavily indebted transport company Atac last summer in three metro stations as a test machine set up, the one with the other Association: For thirty empty plastic bottles, there is a ticket for nothing. “+Ricicli+Viaggi”, is the name of the Initiative, such as: The more recycling, the more you travel. In Europe, this is a first.

Below, in the new station “San Giovanni” of the line C, is one of these colorful machines. They are about the size of the such as vending machines, are developed by a Milan-based company. The Operation is very simple. You download an App that enabled the QR-Code, holding the phone to the device so that it detects one. Then, the brought in PET bottles in one Opening, very gently, one after the other, with the bar code of the bottle label to the top. They can be small, 0.25 litre, or large, up to two liters. But the form completed, you need to be, not not crushed, otherwise the machine registers. The lid must be on it.

For each properly discarded plastic bottle, there are in the App, so-called eco-bonus of 5 cents, the balance of any cumulative. Since Atac sells individual tickets for 1.50 Euro, there are so for thirty bottles of a digital ticket. From the old bottles are called “Bottle-to-Bottle” one in the jargon. And this is in the sense of the EU, which has just recently given a new Directive for handling single-use plastic. In the case of PET bottles the target is particularly ambitious: In ten years, in the year 2029, will be collected 90 percent of all plastic bottles. For 2025, the benchmark is 77 percent.

As Virginia Raggi, Rome’s mayor of the Cinque Stelle, the Initiative launched, she was so excited you would have thought she had just solved all the problems of the city. “The machine eats the plastic bottles and gives credit for the purchase of a ticket: just like that, the circular economy works,” she said. The Triumph was a treat Raggi to. You haven’t had much luck in the administration of the city, neither with the garbage still in the transport business.

The city wants even more of these machines set up

Apparently, the model works wonderfully. “Beyond all of our expectations,” says Pietro Calabrese, the “Assessore of the city in motion”, that is the official title of Rome’s appointed top officials of Transport and traffic. In the first eleven weeks have been disposed of in the three machines 750,000 bottles for the value of 25,000 tickets. A resounding success it was, you will make more devices. “The citizens demand it, you are enthusiastic,” says Calabrese.

Well possible, that the euphoria of the “Assessore” service for the sake of something greater than the people themselves. But after all, it is something Positive, and ecologically, too. In the Moscow Metro by the way there are vending machines that eject, for thirty squats for a train ticket. That is probably a circular economy in the narrowest sense.

it was unprecedented, the Roman model is not, at least in the world. From the office for mobility, you learn that there are already in Istanbul, also in Beijing, in the Indonesian Surabaya in Mumbai, India, the old Mumbai. Such novels one would expect more from a conventional model cities: Stockholm, for example, Copenhagen, Munich, Zurich, and maybe even Tokyo, Singapore and Melbourne. The Romans would prefer that the buses would come instead a bit more often and then even more punctual.

Created: 19.11.2019, 18:29 PM