“cloudburst” is rising today as the most promising candidate in the running for the Swiss film prize. The Comedy of Michael Steiner has been nominated five Times, but can win a maximum of four Times, as in the case of the award for the best supporting role Noémie Schmidt, and Sunnyi Melles compete.
chances may calculate “The Innocent” by Simon Jaquemet and “Ceux qui travaillent” by Antoine Russbach. This films start with four nominations.
a head-to-head race come the documentaries: “Chris the Swiss” (Anja Kofmel), “Eldorado” (by Markus Imhoof) and “Female Pleasure” (Barbara Miller) are on the rise, with three nominations in the race.
Who will triumph in Geneva? You can follow the Show from the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices from 19.30 clock in the live stream. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 22.03.2019, 19:04 PM