The pink Himalayan salt is not only a thing found on tables, but is a great house-warming present as well. They are the saviors of the restaurants when the food is not tasty and is an avid partner of the relaxing spa’s as well.

It is a matter of fact that the pink himalayan salt has a class among the other types of salt which is why it is considered unique. However, why is it so pink? Well, its appearance not only makes it unique but gives an indication that is really special. This is not like the other sea derived salts.

Therefore, with the help of this article, let us find out how the Himalayan salt gets the pinkish hue and is it for a purpose or not. With that said, let us begin this fact cycle.

Pink Himalayan salt – Origin


Don’t laugh when we say this is originated from the Himalayas. In fact, the name even stretches a strongsign of its origin. It is mined from the deep valleys of the great Himalayas. It came into existence like 800 years ago when a large ocean underwent the process of evaporation and the whole ocean was converted into what we know as Himalayan salt. The salt at that time was covered entirely with the tectonic plates and geological structures (way too geography). The lava spread itself on the top of that and it got covered by multiple things including the world’s largest mountain peak. After all, it is valued for a reason.

The salt remained in that exact position for so many years and it still exists. It remained there idle, covered with lava and formations of large rocks over it. All these things contributed to provide this salt a number of minerals that give immense benefit to a human body. The minerals just penetrated their way to the salt that is now known and valued by the whole world.

In the present date, it is first mined by the help of bare hands and then the machinery and equipment is used to break it in small pieces with the help of the process of crushing done on it. This contributes towards another amazing fact that they are the purest form of salt available which is not only unprocessed but is also free of chemicals and pollution.

Therefore, being pure and natural gave it several health benefits and numerous healing properties as well. However irony is that the salt you keep calling pure has got the well-known pinkish tint for which it is considered special due to the impurities present in it.

The more ironical thing is that the impurities are iron which means iron created the irony, you get it?

Purity of the Himalayan salt


A normal table salt that you might be using for your food items include an avid concentration of sodium chloride in an amount of 97%. However, the same sodium chloride is found in the concentration of 93% only in the pink Himalayan salt. Now you might be wondering that where the remaining 7% concentration is used. Well, time for another cycle of facts! The remaining 7% of the concentration is occupied by the additional minerals for which the salt is known and respected by the world. An amazing thing is that there is an availability of around 84+ minerals in the remaining 7% which means that the main treasure is in this 7% only. There are numerous sources that list up all the minerals that are available in the remaining concentration other than the concentration of the sodium chloride.

However, this is somewhat not a kind of a true fact. Let us know why so! Well, this is true that there is an availability of around 84 minerals but some of them are the elements such as the oxygen and the hydrogen that are said to provide no value in the health benefits of this salt. But the other elements present in the salt are surely exotic minerals that give it its various healthy properties.

With that said, it is indeed true that the Himalayan salt has a large number of minerals that are healthy for you than the regular salt of which you make use in your house and your dining table. As a matter of fact, these minerals are the reason for the Himalayan salt to have some sort of white color in it. The exact color depends on the number of minerals that are available in the salt. If the con centration somehow gets high, the color of the salt will also become whiter.

Now the main question that arises is that if this salt actually has the health benefits that it claims to have or not. Well, let us have a deep discussion at that too.

Pink Himalayan salt – healthier or hoax


Often times we have heard that the Himalayan salt is called as the miracle mineral but what is the reason for such a name of this salt? Are there any subtle clouts over such a claim that is made for it? Well, yes Himalayan salt is considered of upper class than the regular old salt that you use in your household. However, the regular salts seem not to like this fact. Such a claim has made this pink Himalayan salts to reach several applications such as cosmetic, therapeutic, and health purposes. And there are a large number of properties that can be held responsible for such a bright and pink career of this salt.

However, it is really harsh to say that the reality is often different than the exceptions that we make and it seems like the Himalayan salt is also among the slew and the reality is different than the expectations. Well, it is good but the difference is so small that it can be better neglected.


So that was all we knew about the pink Himalayan salt and we hope that you might have found several unknown things with this article. That’s all we have for today.