first set
hip As it went off, awkwardly because of the baggage and the pain, the rain started.

The book
On a cold and wet November evening, Franziska Oswald your previous life behind. The Ph. D., a sociologist with a Job in the non-professorial academic staff at the nearby University, leaving the house in a Westphalian Nest, which she shares with her Partner, John, to walk with a few pieces of Luggage. Your car has parked on a remote Parking lot, where it should stand out. She takes the Bus, then a train to Berlin. There’s Neukölln under an assumed name in a seedy apartment in the district. Soon she earned some money as a cleaning help in the case of a woman who has learned on a visit to a Museum happen to know.

the psychological Thriller “The maid” by Regina Nössler begins. It is already the 16. Book of the German author, and her sixth Thriller, but the first title of hers I’ve read. And that is a discovery! Because Nössler style has a quite different narrative, as it is usual in this Genre to move. Where other hair-raising designs, and quickly predictable and therefore boring-voltage effects work, tells you almost soberly, objectively and without artificial excitement. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, pulls you in, “The cleaning lady” quickly under her spell.

what escapes Franziska? With your Partner, something serious happened?

The oppressive feeling that doesn’t come from a already on the first few pages that what is happening effectively, but by what is not said or only casually seen. What is going to happen? What escapes Franziska? With your Partner, something serious happened? Anyway, she presents herself, that he one day stood “before the door of her miserable Dwelling, and with a mild and at the same time, a threatening voice said: What are you doing, Dearest? I know, I know, what’s good for you”.

But in the meantime, Franziska Mrs chard dressing. The shows so more and more, hiding behind your penetrating friendliness also seems to be a dark secret. And Frances makes friends with a neglected bill young, of which it has previously been stalked and brutally attacked.

“The Cleaning lady” is not one of those detective stories in which a crime is committed, which will then be elucidated, with which the world is back in order. The dynamics comes from the relationships between the three women. And the evil lurks on every page, what keeps the novel from the beginning to the end always exciting and somehow threatening. This is not great storytelling, how to respond to it – especially in the German – language area-and often.


and grew up The author
Regina Nössler, born in 1964 in Altenhundem, Sauerland, Germany, in Herten in the Ruhr area. She studied at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, German Philology and Theater-, Film – and television studies with the degree of Magister. Her first novel, “punishment must be”, published in 1994. Since 2010, she writes detective novels, including “walking holiday” (2013), “home at last” (2015) and “veil of clouds” (2017). Her latest Thriller, “The Maid” is already your 16. The book release. Since 1995, she lives in Berlin, where she is since 2002 as a freelance author and editor active.

Regina Nössler: “The Cleaning lady”. Bankrupt book publisher Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen, 2019, 402 p., CA. 19 Fr.

All of the other meetings you will find in the Collection “crime of the week”.

Created: 21.11.2019, 06:37 PM