In the United States is growing, apparently, a Generation of Sexmuffeln. The proportion of young people not have sexual intercourse, have achieved in 2018, a new peak, it means in one on Friday in the “Washington Post” published a study. Of the 18 – to 29-Year-olds, 23 per cent had indicated in the survey that in the previous twelve months, but not had Sex. In 2008, the figure was just eight per cent.

Particularly chaste young men were: they looked at 28 per cent, to at least one year of Sex-slump – three Times more than in 2008. In women, this was in the age group of 18 – to 29-Year-olds at 18 per cent.

Some lively runs the love life of the 30 – to 39-Year-olds, with only seven per cent claimed to have a year of no Sex had. In the age group of 50 to 59 years, the figure was at 13 percent.

the thing with The Internet

The decline of sexual activity among young people was due to fundamental Changes in the binding behavior, said psychologist Jean Twenge of the University of San Diego, the “Washington Post”. Young people in the US waiting longer than they used to, until you received partnerships.

in Addition, it in the Internet age is to simply have more things, which distracted from physical togetherness. “Today, you can make it to ten o’clock in the evening a lot more than 20 years ago,” said the psychologist. (fal/afp)

Created: 29.03.2019, 22:34 PM