The Queen is the same, but a new stamp must be found. The third season of the series “The Crown” begins with a scene in which Elizabeth II. the portrait appraised, which will grace from now on, all letters in the UK: “I am an old box,” she says. Delicious, like the whole court is trying to rewrite talk her out of it, and with beautiful words that the youth of her was picture on the old brand more contemporary. “I’m an old bag”, she insists.

That is, how much of the Netflix prestige series from Peter Morgan, clever, and symbolic. The new episodes set in the year 1964, just a few weeks after the end of the second season. Elizabeth II is now 38 years old and for twelve years on the throne. In order to bring you the third and the already in-progress, the end of the fourth season, it needs a more Mature actress Claire Foy, who shone in the youth years of the Queen.

what is the New in the old role? The Moment is delayed, first of all, the Regent is to be seen only from the back, then in the blur. But then, Olivia Colman as is, with regungslosem face.

Ab 17. November on Netflix : The 3. Season of “The Crown”.

It is not the first Queen, the actress, who knows the TV audience is best as a detective from the British crime series “Broadchurch”. In the movie “The Favourite,” she played the capricious Queen Anne of the 18th century. Century. She laughed, pouted, and yelled in it so convincing that she received in March of this year, the Oscar for best actress. In their new Queens-role to the greatest possible restraint, but asked the exact opposite:.

Elizabeth II was already under her predecessor, the actress, no emotion bundle. But most of the twenty to follow based their appeal from the fact that there is a young Queen had to take over after the early death of his father in the office and all thought that she was this grown at all. Then you could put your environment and the world in amazement at how clever she acted.

No reaction, even when 116 children die

In the third season, there is no doubt about your abilities. Even more astonishing is how emotionless they are in certain situations. To the outside world, she always remains cool, even when in the case of a mine disaster in Wales, Aberfan by a Landslide with 116 children be spilled. Or if other members of your family tried the love affair between her son Charles and a certain Camilla – Yes, Yes, the one that he will marry decades later, however, – to prevent.

the refined restraint of a Royal weakness? Or is it a strength, which characterizes the style of Elizabeth II in the first place? Peter Morgan, who wrote for the majority of the script follow, plays very skillfully with these issues and leaves you open. For this he has with Olivia Colman is the perfect actress. In your facial expression, everything can be read.

Prince consort Philip (Tobias Menzies) gets the 3. Season more room.

The Queen enters, however, in this season in stages, almost in the Background. To the center of her Prince consort, Philip, the new actor Tobias Menzies brings a lot more colors in this snobbish character puts it. And Helena Bonham Carter shines as the eccentric Princess Margaret, whose visit to the US President Lyndon B. points of the season belongs to Johnson was one of the highlights.

Grey Premiers and a Song by David Bowie

The strength of the series is still, to tell the world politics in the style of an upscale soap Opera. “The Crown” remains wonderfully equipped and cleverly told, even if not all of the follow up to 1977, reaching season are just as exciting. To uneventful, these years were with the more grey, the Prime Ministers Wilson and Heath, their visits with the Queen to the rituals of the series. But there are wonderful passages, for example, when Princess Anne – enters the sister of Charles – with your sports car late at night in the Buckingham Palace and the guards with a very loud Song by David Bowie scared.

In the next year provided for the fourth season, it will be over anyway with Royal restraint. Because as more characters are announced, which will entice even your Majesty from the Reserve: Margaret Thatcher . And Diana, Princess Of Wales.

The best performers of British Queens

Created: 13.11.2019, 15:27 PM