Over the last ten years has granatexplosioner greatly increased, and dödskjutningar flerdubblats. From the two detonated the grenades in 2011 to 39 in the year 2016. In total, 116 mortar attacks in eight years.

A majority detonated in Sweden’s metropolitan regions, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. This has resulted in two people killed – a 63-year-old man and an eight year old boy.

”Explosive violence: A near-repeat study of hand grenade detonations and shootings in urban Sweden”, discovered kriminologen Amir Rostami that this is largely a Swedish problem.

” When we contact both colleagues and police forces in countries such as Denmark, Germany, Holland and Uk so they do not feel it again with this development in their countries. You will be very surprised. Our interpretation is that the lack of research and the recognition that because the problem is not there, ” he says.

Rostami and their forskarkollegors the study does not answer why handgranattacker is so common in Sweden, but they have hypotheses.

if a very high konfliktnivå among criminals in Sweden. There are ongoing violent conflicts among several smaller criminal groups.

– this high våldsnivån within the criminal environment, also using hand grenades. Have you shot against each other and want to escalate it, here are the hand grenades appropriate in this context – it sends a strong message, and the accessibility is great. They are also simple to use, ” says Amir Rostami.

at the same time, is the ”price” to use a grenade is not as high in Sweden as in Germany, for example.

– Polistätheten is twice as high in Berlin as in Stockholm, it has a completely different ability to be on the offensive. There is a powerful external pressures on the criminal world. If you know that it costs, that it will be bad for business, created a kind of self-regulation.

mean Rostami, do not exist in the Swedish criminal world. It depends in turn on an increasing division within the Swedish criminal world. The previously hegemonic motorcycle gangs do not have the same power as before, and the local communities in storstadsförorter not be governed by the older criminal networks, as in other countries.

– In Germany, there are many established working groups – the Italian mafia, Russian criminal networks, which has a vigorous clean-up, and self-regulation as the reins of the conflicts so that they do not escalate into widespread violence.

Rostamis hypothesis is thus that the lack of self-regulation within the criminal networks, the low price for handgranatsvåld and a lower degree of polistäthet is located behind the unusually high statistics.

Police: Handgranaterna needs to be removed from the street

Underrättelsechefen: hand Grenades have become a trend