We met in the town hall, the large, heavy entrance. I was on my way out to buy coffee. AIK’s goalkeeper Kyriakos ”Kenny” Stamatopoulos was on the way. After the break, he would testify in the trial of a suspected matchfixning.

At the diner I saw the two suspects, former AIK-player Dickson Etuhu and his friend, together with Dickson’s brother. They looked to have a fluent conversation.

Now I had in law heard a friend say that his English was very poor. I had already wondered how he speaks with Dickson, which he called one of his best friends.

Dickson Etuhu that he is not followed so carefully when his friend and Kenny Stamatopoulos talked in it where lunchsamtalet was the reason for the trial. Etuhu can’t speak Swedish. He said that he often falls outside of the conversations that are conducted in Swedish.

Strange, I thought again. Kenny talking not English. It was why he later had an interpreter in court. They must have been talking English all three all the time at the restaurant.

It was not the only strange thing during the day of the trial. When I waited to get my coffee and wished I could read the suspects ‘ lips, so I’m almost sure that I had Katarina Frostenson next to me in the queue.