The Turkish secret service operates according to an international media research, secret prisons, in which the supporters of the Gülen-arrested motion, and be tortured. Two victims reported the ZDF magazine “Frontal 21” and other media on Tuesday published Research that they had been interrogated, held for weeks in secret prisons, and tortured to force them to testify against Gulen’s supporters.

“Tolga” and “Ali” referred to men reported to be on the street by men in dark vans pulled. With a bag over the head, you had been to an unknown place, where they beaten on for weeks again and again, threatened and humiliated. You photos were shown of other Gülen supporters, to move them in processes testify against you.

Human Rights Watch: “We have to assume that this is systematically”

In their cells, they had been constantly monitored, and with a loud music around the clock, reported the men in the Research, under the direction of the research network Correctiv. He was tied up, with a bag over his head with only his underwear for hours, said “Ali”. “After some time, not more, thirsty, tired. If you can’t, you fall to the ground and then there was punches and kicks.”

human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch (HRW) have documented earlier cases of abductions. The victims were dragged to the open road in dark vans, and in secret detention centres, allegedly run by the Turkish secret service. “We have to assume that this is systematic,” said the HRW Director for Germany, Wenzel Michalski, “Frontal 21”.

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Erdogan accuses Gülen movement’s infiltration of state and coup attempt before

The Islamic-conservative party for development and justice party (AKP) and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long with the movement of the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen ally, before Gülen and Erdogan, 2013 überwarfen in the struggle for Posts and Power. Today Erdogan accuses the religious brotherhood, to have the state institutions been infiltrated and is trying to overthrow him in a military coup in July 2016.

Since the attempted coup were arrested in Turkey, tens of thousands of suspected supporters of the terrorist organization banned movement and the government service to dismiss. Critics of the government, in addition to the actual coup, a countless number of Innocent non-parties to follow, to safeguard the rights of the accused, and to condemn to met you and due to the poor evidence of long imprisonment.

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attack on Russian Ambassador to Turkey accuses Fethullah Gülen, and 27 more for the murder of

in Particular, it is criticized that the processes are often secret witness. Also “Ali” and “Tolga” agreed according to the Research of “Frontal 21” after weeks of Interrogations, as a secret witness against Gulen’s supporters to testify. Then they had been released, but could have been abroad to flee, where they live today. Turkey has not commented on the demand of the media to the allegations. (AFP)