It takes four minutes to FDP General Secretary Nicola Beer distanced themselves – what the delegates at the European Congress in Berlin, you clearly want to hear, speaks clearly: “I have no sympathy for Mr. Orbán – quite the contrary. I have no loyalty to his party,“ she calls out. “Fundamental rights are not in the EU to the Disposition.”

So that it is again clear from the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán. This gives you the necessary support in the party: With nearly 86 percent of the votes, she is elected unopposed for the top woman of the liberals for the election to the EU Parliament. You should be the FDP-face for Europe. At the same time, not always undisputed General Secretary, making space in your existing office for possible Successors, such as the migration policy spokeswoman Linda Teuteberg, or party Vice-Katja Suding.

Last Beers within the party had diminished support more: According to a “Spiegel”report, you should have tried to Europe, members of your own party are urging, shortly before the vote on a criminal case against Hungary because of the rule of law violations, this is not to agree with. Her husband, Jürgen Illing to have recommended the former Orban Minister, Zoltan Balog, the FDP politicians as a conversation partner. Balog is an old friend of the couple, in the fall of 2018, he trusted the two of them in Budapest. Under Balogs leadership was, however, adopted at that time, a law that took the Central European University (CEU) of the US Investor George Soros in the crosshairs, and their operation in Hungary is massively restricted.

Beer: “For us, Europe is first and foremost a community of values”

Now Beer covered, and the FDP wanted to do with the “illiberal democracy” of Orbán, “nothing, nothing at all.” Europe needs to use – also against the Background of a Brexit – his chances to populists of the right and left, take the Wind out of the sails. “For us, Europe is first and foremost a community of values and not only an economic community,” she says. The delegates applaud vigorously. A standing ovation at the end of the speech, although they come only hesitantly. However, the memory of the Trauma of 2013, when the party from internal strife accompanied from the Bundestag flew, closes the series.

At the last European election, the FDP came to just 3.4 percent and operates at the EU level, with three unfamiliar faces. However, in current polls, the party stands between seven and ten percent. You can make hopes, with eight or nine deputies to the EU Parliament.

FDP against “transfer Union” and Euro-zone budget

in terms of Content, the liberals wanted to adopt at its party Congress, a program that focuses primarily on education, Innovation and digitalisation as well as structural EU reforms. Young people should not only be able to study in another European country, but also their training. In addition, the party advocates for a “real EU foreign Minister” as well as a European army. A “transfer Union” and of a Euro zone budget as opposed to the Free Democrats.

Video 27.01.2019, 14:48 Uhr00:16 Min.Beer to the FDP’s top candidate in the European elections voted

however, This could lead to conflict with the “En Marche”, the President of France Emmanuel Macron: Marcon, compared with a Euro zone budget positive. Nevertheless, the FDP would form with the movement is actually a group, community, and the second strongest of the group.

More about

Europe, Congress of the FDP selects warns Beer to the top candidate for the European elections

party leader Christian Lindner, the European project stand in front of a “test”. He was expecting a design choice for the European value project. “It’s about our Way of Life.” Critical Linder sees the Brexit policy of the Federal government, should play a more looking for the conversation with the United Kingdom.