the Finnish food debate facing each other are struck in particular, the green youth and the center of agriculture of the people’s representatives.

the Dispute created tension Antti Rinne (sd.) five-party government in.

the food debate is directly related to the government’s ambitious climate goals, for global food production contributes significantly to climate change.

climate activists have criticized the slope of the government ilmastoteot of leftover hitherto modest.Toni Määttä / Yle

the government of the inter-party controversy the latest acceleration phase opened at the university of Helsinki the student union of the Unicafe restaurants the decision to remove beef lunch menu of February next year.

Green kids: Milk and beef boycott

the Green youth (switch to another service) have insisted that high schools student restaurants will give up beef and dairy serving.

the Green youth believes that beef demand complete cessation is an effective way to reduce food’s carbon footprint. Position taken in appeal to the fact that beef production will cause total meat production have the highest emissions and require most of the arable surface.

– milk production is strongly linked to bovine meat production, and in practice allows the Finnish meat production in the current scale, so also the consumption of milk products reduction or termination is fully justified, in the green young president of Sameli Sivonen is a line of didn’t.

center to minister: Cow feed binding carbon

agriculture and forestry Jari Leppä (kesk.) it is criticized that the Unicafe beef decision is not rational. Alder said to Helsingin sanomat in an interview (you move to another service), that he does not support bans and food circle narrowing.

minister of agriculture and forestry Jari Leppä defense domestic milk and meat production.Jyrki Ojala

Alder had previously finland the country on his blog (you move to another service) had a chance to rejoice, that the domestic food debate, the wind was turning.

Alder referred to in the published, natural resources center based on research, to report in Finnish cow climate effects, which is Alder according to the caused many to question the one-sided mantra of domestic milk and meat production is harmful to the.

Finland milk production is essentially related to the carbon binding to grassland farming, where they make cow feed. Soil carbon sequestration is climate change the farmers ‘ ace in the hole, 70-cow dairy farm in pertunmaa under cultivation an Alder annealing.

SDP to restrict eating meat to tax

in the Last parliamentary election in the spring debate was folded up lihavero of, when the SDP chairman Antti Rinne had to answer some questions for the SDP to drive the sustainable development of value-added tax details.

the SDP chairman Antti Rinne had the election in the debate to explain the SDP position lihavero the.Antti Haanpää / Yle

in March, Overeating in a large election, the exam in Slope to specify that the value added tax can be allocated, for example, Brazil imported bull fillet of.

Yle election machine (you move to another service) of the Slope, the SDP tax expert Timo Magpie and the parliamentary group chairman of the Antti Lindtman supported the argument that the state should control the finns to eat less meat, for example, by means of taxation.

the Magpie according to the SDP tax-the goal of the program is to control to reduce beef consumption and increasing through vegetables use.

the left alliance and the greens are pulling in tight to the line

yle’s election machine in the left alliance and the greens, the current leaders were demareitakin more strictly limit meat consumption taxation.

left alliance chairman Li Andersson line, that public procurement policy and set of dining in coming to move to the vegetarian-oriented in the middle food. The parliamentary group of the current chairman of the Paavo Arhinmäki stressed that the state and local diner has a lot of opportunities to influence eating meat to reduce.

left alliance Li Anderson and green Maria Ohisalo were in favour of yle’s election machine is a levy on meat, but Swedish people’s party Anna-Maja Henriksson opposed to it.Pekka Tynell / YLE

the Green for president after the parliamentary elections soared Maria Ohisalo replied, that green wants to improve herbal protein competitive position and products of animal origin, taxation is one of the means of consumption control.

the Green yet government negotiations led Pekka Haavisto was the election machine in response Ohisaloa more careful. He noted that the best way of consumption control are clear product labelling and consumer information

Coalition executive was divided in half

yle’s election machine in the national coalition party chairman of the Petteri Orphan was the centre of the Juha Sipilä and Katri Kulmunin way completely disagree with the argument that meat consumption should reduce taxation.

the Orphan argument that people can actually make their own food choices and options are available. An orphan, according to vegetables, berries, fruits and fish are part of a healthy diet.

Coalition chairman Peter an Orphan, rejected the idea that eating meat should be limited to taxation.Pekka Tynell / YLE

the Coalition party in the lead the second line was represented by vice-president Sanni Grahn-Laasonen and the parliamentary group of the current chairman of the Kai Mykkänen. They supported the idea that the state should control the finns to eat less meat, for example, by means of taxation.

Mykkänen, however, is a levy on meat as a bad solution. He wanted to instead support tax the new vegetable – and insect products.

the true finns chairman of the Jussi Halla-aho settled in the meat of the tax issue more enlightenment than the tax-steering follower. Halla-aho thinks that the most important thing is that people eat locally produced meat or vegetables.

Extremes balancing act within the government

the government talks the extremes to find each other.

the slope of the government’s agricultural, forestry and environmental programmes will in the end compromise. The centre and the Swedish people’s party to twist in the hands of the greens and the left alliance and prime minister party, the social democratic party have agreed to.

to All governments party to the agreement recorded that the domestic herbal products, and fish increase the proportion of its nutrition recommendations and low carbon objectives.

the government programme promises to prepare a climate sustainable food system action plan by 2030.

the government programme also found a reference emissions based on the consumption tax.

according to the Government food and other consumer products life-cycle emissions assessment developed in the consumption tax direction of the climate and environmental impacts into account as well.

the government’s programme of loose postings moved the party of principled dispute with the government inside. The government in the early months especially in the centre and the greens have struck one in the public sphere.

a Small cockfighting is suitable for both, as it gives the opportunity to keep their own supporters happy.

see also:

student restaurants give up the beef, and the decision of the annoying producers: “Beef will be able to save the looks like air travel and everything else”

the Helsinki-based student restaurant Unicafe stop beef use – Atria: a Confusing and sad decision

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