Kotka basic demarin Sirpa Paatero career highlights and biggest disappointments have been identical Antti Rinne (sd.) party leader path with.

the local minister is the heel of the experience of municipal reform in.

Paatero increased in Karhula, which forced to connect to an Eagle in 1976. He worked before eduskunt the aura of its substance abuse prevention as a director in Kotka. The eagle city council in Paatero has affected the whole of the 2000s.

the local politician Paatero rise into parliament at the age of 41 in February 2006, the waiting list, when the Sinikka Mönkäre (sd.) transferred to the slot machine of the ceo.

credit minister Mönkäreen footsteps

the town of imatra the parliamentary select Mönkäre lift Paavo Lipponen (sd.) sinipuna governments (1995-2003) credit minister.

Mönkäre was social – and health minister still Matti Vanhanen (kesk.) red ochre board of directors in 2003-05, but Lipponen give up the chairman of the SDP’s mission in the spring of 2005 also Mönkäreen political career was over.

the minister of the day mönkäreen to accumulate a total of 3 817, and he is still Finland’s long-time woman minister. The minister of the day to Mönkäreen above a dozen men.

kymi valley in your own minister has always been an important influence on channel.Magazine

Kymenlaakso and South Karelia the democrats have always fought for the power of kymi and the present South-eastern Finland in the constituency.

the SDP’s leadership has been important to ensure the popularity of their industry-Finnish strong demarin in the field.

the slope of the support crew among the first

Sirpa Paatero was in the spring of 2014 raising Antti rinne of the social democratic party’s chairman. They are of the same generation, as the Slope was born in 1962 and Paatero is two years younger.

Paatero had established itself as a people’s representative. He was elected to the parliament in both 2007 and 2011 elections in the election district of the second most popular demarina.

the social democrats returned to government after the 2011 elections, but the social democratic party’s leadership in 2008, reaching Jutta Urpilainen to ignore the ministerial selections in the Kymi district.

in the Parliament Paaterolle was accumulated in the row of the membership of the various committees. The longest he had been sitting of the economic committee in the years 2006-14. The parliamentary group deputy chairman Paatero work in the years 2011-14.

the Slope to pick up Paatero minister in the autumn of 2014

the party leader as the Slope was rewarded by paatero minister’s portfolio for the first time in autumn 2014, when the green the difference between Alexander Stubb (ioc.) the government opened a space for the minister recycling for.

Paatero got the minister of development of the portfolio-including the state of the owner control.

Jyrki Katainen (ioc.) the government portfolio were previously taken care of the green Heidi Hautala and Pekka Haavisto . Hautala was tripped over, including the icebreaker the Arctia Shipping and Greenpeace disputes in October 2013.

the State ownership steering in the rite of sorrows Paatero first, the short minister of the season. Talvivaara mining company went bankrupt in November 2014, and April 2015 Paatero separated state of a portfolio management Solidium chairman of the board of the Pekka Ala-Pietilä lack of faith.

the Spring 2015 parliamentary elections Paatero catch the so far largest voice their prey, nearly 10 000 votes, but the SDP’s Antti Rinne, the chair suffered a crushing defeat cut Paatero and socialists of the government of the road for four years.

the opposition period Paatero was elected in February, 2017 of the Bay party meeting of the SDP party council chairman. In the same party meeting Antti Rinne defeated overwhelmingly challenger Timo Magpie and Dottie Davis.

in the Parliament Paatero action defense committee and committee matters the governance committee. The intermunicipal board of management Paatero come in may 2015, when the parliamentary group of the lead selected in the Antti Lindtman make room for him.

the social democratic party’s election victory to raise Paatero minister

party council and of the Slope as a trusted Paatero was heavily involved in the SDP opposition policy in the front row. Party government, he was elected for the first time in 2008.

in the Last parliamentary elections the social democratic party stretched the Slope under the leadership of an election victory and a narrow one, rather than before, the finns and kokoomusta.

the social democratic party’s minister selection Paatero heard a certain minister of the name. Municipal affairs portfolio agreement Paaterolle well, but the problem come from the owner control the affairs and especially in Postal labor disputes involved.

the owner of the control minister Sirpa Paatero lost grip Post crap.Magazine

the Post mess eventually led to the fact that on Friday the 29th. in November the prime minister of the Slope had to call Paaterolle and ask, would this be ready to resign the minister’s task. The game was the prime minister’s own future.

Paatero do one more favor Slope and give up the ministerial portfolio. Paatero missed while on sick leave: the difference between the and autumn the pressures of having a hard time.

on Sunday 8. December Paatero returned the flash light to the front to lead the SDP’s party council meeting. The slope the game was played, but there was the future of power-sharing: Sanna Marin or Antti Lindtman?

Paatero surprise: the third leap minister

Sanna Marin scarce after the victory of the SDP leadership presented the party’s minister selection. Tuula Haatainen the rise of the labour minister opened the Slope of the road the parliamentary vice-president. Timo Magpie moved to marin’s transport and communications minister.

on the Table was still the problem of the just, i.e. the municipality and the owner of the control portfolio. The slope of the government ministers, the division of labour was arranged so that corporate governance matters Paatero, first deputy was minister for europe Margaret Davis .

Davis has been running a half years of the Finnish EU-presidency thing and now the EU-in a hurry is to make it easier.

the Marin rose to be prime minister demarin lead pieces fell into place, and the owner of the control were transferred to davis for.

the local minister, the democrats had several candidates, but the association of local authorities of the government of the former chairman and Kymenlaakso as a representative Paatero was a line at the top. The party council chairman Paatero was also appropriately located.

Paatero honor the refund and the return of the minister at least does not harm it, that he had been in a tight place loyal to the party leadership.

Officially Paatero not even divorced Slope from the government, since the difference between the strengthened president of the republic presentation never could keep.

see also:

I Saw the minister paatero to the gauntlet Mail with ended in a get rid of – click here to Read the twists and turns

Sirpa Paatero was surprised myself of the minister’s portfolio: “the great, that I get to continue kingdom minister”

Analysis: corporate governance minister was allowed to go, but it is still soothing bubbling parliament

Kymenlaakso lose Sirpa paatero, the only ministers – “minister is always tough lobbying-issues”

the Work begins, celebrate the end of the upcoming municipal minister Sirpa Paatero wants to put state ownership in the blender and permission from the municipality for money

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