Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer can only shake your head when you think of some of the comments on your application for the CDU presidency. In your party there have been actually, the concern of whether it could go well, if the party chairmanship will be passed for the first Time by a woman to a woman, says Kramp-Karrenbauer and it sounds a bit as if she herself could not believe it still: “it’s really been seriously discussed.”

The CDU leader (56) is Adenauer on Monday evening to a guest at the party-affiliated Konrad Foundation. This has taken the 100-year anniversary of the introduction of women’s suffrage in Germany as an occasion to talk about women’s policy. Mostly women came to Kramp-Karrenbauer to listen and to talk about the political “mandate for tomorrow”.

share of women in the Bundestag is 31%

And there’s also a lot of, such as the CDU leader makes it clear. As women in 1919 for the first Time select and for Parliament stand for election were allowed, the proportion of women in the national Assembly at nine percent. Today, 100 years later, the proportion of women in the Bundestag to 31 percent. “The dynamics of progress has still air upward,” Kramp-karrenbauer sober. In addition, the development was “linear”. After all, there were times in which women were in the German Parliament a little better represented.

Now the car manufacturer, the CDU, it is not alone in Kramp, that the proportion of women decreased compared to the last parliamentary term (36.5 percent). This is also the AfD and the FDP are responsible for the very few female members. But also in the Union faction in the Bundestag, women are clearly in the minority: Among the total of 246 members of the CDU and the CSU, there are only 49 women, the proportion is just under 20 percent. Only the left party and the Greens there are more women than men.

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order of The electoral lists have to be changed, the CDU leader

Kramp-Karrenbauer therefore considers it necessary that the CDU in a “the first minimal step” of your choice so establish that it is complying with the self-imposed women’s quota of 30 per cent, and in a second step, for a share of 50 percent. It is also a Problem that there is a “very unbalanced ratio” of the sexes in the occupation of Direct constituencies.

If one wanted to convince voters that you need not only a compelling programmatic offerings, but also “suitable candidates”. It would be “a failure”, she says, if the CDU can do as a people’s party to send more women to the Bundestag. Then you’ll also get discussions about the right to vote, as in France, where there is now a “parity law”.

Kramp-Karrenbauer could improve the party’s internal debate

That a higher proportion of women electoral chances in women is one thing. But Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to lead the party’s internal debate for another reason: “am I also guilty of the have fought to ensure that I am at this point,” she said. In the confrontation with their competitors, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn Kramp-Karrenbauer had the women’s Union at their side.

And a message wants to give the CDU leader to your audience: More self-confidence in dealing with rates! The share of women in the Supervisory boards of the Top 30 companies in the Dax triple on today, 30 percent of the Mature of eight, is also due to the introduction of a quota for women.

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Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer AKK seems Merkel to want in your objectivity Excel

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far too often you’ve heard the prejudice that because of any quotas, women without qualifications could move forward. This is not the case, says Kramp-Karrenbauer. That you stand at the top of the CDU, is also due to the Quote: “We need a confession: I am a quota woman.”