What can you actually do everything in 24 seconds? Determined twice to 24 count, his first and last name loosely recite it ten times (even longer), in detail, the nose cleaning; teams of the American basketball professional League NBA have exactly 24 seconds to finish an attack attempt on the opponent’s basket. With 24 seconds life time, not a lot except a beautiful, but useless stuff so do.

Exactly 24 seconds a cash payment process will take at a supermarket checkout in Germany. The has calculated a few years ago, the EHI Retail Institute, a research Institute that is supported by local trade companies and associations. In the textile trade, it is therefore significantly faster (15 seconds), in the food discounter only slightly (by 22 seconds). Up to 20 billion transactions per year, the EHI Retail Institute 2015 high for Germany as expected. At just more than 80 million inhabitants, is home to around 250 per person per year, and about 80 percent of which were settled with cash; in the case of the latest household survey by the Bundesbank, payment behaviour of the Germans in the year 2017, this value is reduced to 74 percent compared to 79 percent in 2014.

This means the bottom line is that (to use the super-market checkout cash payment process as a basis for calculation): 74 minutes an average person in Germany per year spend currently in order, Bills, and coins from a wallet to dig to the exchange of money out, to store the purse again and trying to provoke the snake behind not even by slow goods no packing.

What could you do with 74 minutes of everything! Not even a football game to watch the end. But at least, for example, a little bit longer sleep a night all 365 days.

an Efficient and scalable

How long does it take to pay instead of a bar with the Smartphone, contactless, has measured yet nobody properly. It is also still a fairly new technology, the mobile payment system, Apple Pay, for example, is since Tuesday in Germany available (by competitor Google for its Android operating system, it is in June). Apple Pay looks at first glance very fast and efficient, as all the stuff from the Silicon Valley, where the increase in efficiency in all areas of life is a kind of substitute religion. And a justification for all of the possible, not necessarily reasonable, but scalable. Almost more than 80 million people a bit of time savings would be expected in the coffers of the Republic, a considerable minutes of profit for the German economy.

© Michael stern Dirk Peitz

editor in the Ressort Digital, Zeit ONLINE

to the author of the page

But mere time-saving it can’t go to Apple for the deal. First of all, Apple Pay is purely symbolic understanding of: The Smartphone has long since replaced the wallet as the most personal item that we carry around with us at any time in the Trouser or jacket pocket (and has a similar shape and size as the wallet). The Smartphone and iPhone owners and owners can replace the inside of the purse is also very real. Apple CEO Tim Cook said in his Keynote speech in front of almost three months generally: His company wanted to make the most personal device even more personal.

Exactly this is a Problem. It’s all far to personally. The Smartphone collects data from us, where we walk and stand, quite literally. It counts our steps and that Knowledge could serve, that we can make more steps and so healthy living. But above all, the device always knows where we were, where we went, went, went flew. And what we have done so, not only with our Smartphones. Of the places where we stay, it’s theoretically often enough to deduce, what we have done there: at Night for example, we have not moved (this is home), Monday to Friday during the day, eight hours (the site of the work).

Our devices are monitors to us, and many of the Apps we’ve loaded on them, operate around with these movement data, discreetly in the Background, often without realizing it. Just one example: What is actually the most popular song taps into recognition App Shazam, purchased by Apple Recently, the location services on the Smartphones of their users? Why does she want to know our location, if we our cell phone in the evening, allegedly in a Bar slightly tüddelt to the speakers, to learn the title of the current song? Because you want us (to play) location-based advertising? And why you noticed the location services for Shazam (and many other Apps) only on very close Inspection, deep in the settings and must use this data off?