In view of the high number of migrants and asylum seekers, the Bavarian district association calls for quick action by the EU. The association warned on Wednesday evening that municipal admission in Bavaria and throughout Germany was at the limit. War refugees from Ukraine and asylum seekers from other countries exceeded the number of influxes in 2015. The situation has come to a head.

“Without a noticeable limitation of uncontrolled local access, integration at the municipal level will fail. The capacities for accommodating refugees, the resources for social care and the necessary places for children in day-care centers and schools are almost exhausted,” said President Thomas Karmasin (CSU) in a presidency meeting. “The municipalities cannot solve this special situation created from outside without the European Union and the federal government.”

People fleeing war and whose lives are threatened at home should be able to find protection in Europe. “People who have no prospect of staying from the outset have to be turned away at the EU’s external borders. To do this, the European Union must effectively secure its external borders,” demanded the district administrator of Fürstenfeldbruck. In addition, the EU must set binding distribution quotas for the member states. Asylum procedures and benefits should at least look similar.