Even if the british conditions to Europe has been complicated, foreign policy has traditionally been characterized by pragmatism. They have had a basic realistic world view till this very. British foreign policy has not been shaped out from the airy dreams of how the world SHOULD be, but from a realization of how the world IS.

In his time as foreign minister, said Jonas Gahr Støre that the british were a role model, through its ability to systematically prioritize what is important.

Unfortunately, there are currently little reminiscent of the traditional british sobriety. On the contrary, british politicians are about to inflict their own countries, great damage through his lack of ability to deal with the Brexit process.

This is due largely to the extreme segments within The conservative party, but also the social democrats, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn has evolved to become a parody of itself. The fact is that Brexit has ended in a chaos without precedent in british etterkrigshistorie.

Who goes and goes and never comes to the door? The uk on the way out of the EUROPEAN union Comment

But even if the divide run deep, they look to be able to agree on one thing: Brexit will not be a success. While Brexit fans started the campaign in 2016 with the promise gold and green forests, the rhetoric is now moved in the direction of the promise that it at least should be enough food and medicines.

The main reason that the british people are now experiencing this farce is that the vote in the June 2016 not clarified what the british public actually voted for. A small majority voted against continued british membership of the EUROPEAN union, but it was also all they voted for.

Two years later, the politicians still not able to determine what they actually are. The voters are about to discover that the EUROPEAN countries believed seriously when they ahead of the vote in 2016 insisted that no one can keep all the benefits of a membership and still get all the drawbacks.

If The european union had accepted such an approach, it would in reality, be discontinued itself. In this way, the EU has held firm on its strategy that it says every nation is free to leave the union, but that a separation undeniably will involve the disclosure of the privileges that come with membership.

If the british forward want access to the internal market, they will have to accept the common rules for the internal market, even to its jurisdiction. It will say the EU court of justice the right to judge in the disputes that concern the internal market.

This has an overall EUROPEAN union have been evident on all the way; the british can not and will not get the exception from the whole idea of the european community.

prime minister Theresa May last week survived a vote of confidence within the private partigruppe, it is highly uncertain if she gets through the negotiated agreement with the EUROPEAN union in the house of commons. Thus, the british end up leaving the union without a system that provides predictability.

most economists believe that it will affect the british economy hard, particularly because of the uncertainty that afflicts the british, will make the country less attractive to invest in. Of course it will frame the british economy, but it will affect the weakest groups most.

Gibraltar is the rock that held on to topple the “Brexit” Comment

In the uk etterkrigshistorie is considered the Suez crisis in October 1956 as a watershed event. This is because the events in the Suez illustrated that the british were no longer to work for a global power. It was undoubtedly traumatic for the british elites, but of less importance to ordinary voters.

Brexit is in the process of developing themselves to be a far greater crisis than the Suez, as the Brexit will have major consequences for many voters. That the country and its leading politicians have set themselves in this situation is hardly to believe, particularly considering the proud tradition the country has to exert international influence.

In the Brexit process, the house of commons still has not managed to agree on what it even will – and so the situation is now, it is far from certain that it actually is able to agree with itself about the way forward. The only thing that is certain is uncertainty, which the british have created for themselves.

Brexit-the farce is an important is a reminder for the Norwegian europadebatt. Opponents of the EU and the EEA is often heard as an echo of their british friends when they insist on retaining all the benefits without also assuming the obligations.

But as the EUROPEAN union has shown throughout the Brexit process: No nation can expect such special treatment. Precisely for this reason, it is in Norway’s interest that we do not contribute to the creation of uncertainty about our own relationship to Europe.

THREE OPTIONS: Brexit-the way ahead for Theresa May can be a difficult one. Political scientist Øivind comparative perspective ” explains the path, a path he describes as a tragic mess. Video: Nicolai Delebekk Show more