the Frustration is noticeable in the Uk after Friday’s vote.

Theresa Mays Brexitavtal was voted down, with 58 votes margin – despite the fact that she is ahead of the vote, promised to leave his post, if only meps voted in favour.

But not even the avgångslöftet was able to get the agreement over the finish line. Despite the fact that the united kingdom according to the original plan would have left the EU on Friday (29 march), are, therefore, the country is now in a strange limbo.

the front page. The Sun pointing accusatory towards the ‘ no ‘ voters: ”Shame on you, you members who betrayed 17.4 million voters. We are Brexsjukt (”Brexsick”) tired of you!”

Several of the morning papers observes that the risk of early election has increased after the vote.

”the Uk faces a choice after Mays agreement shattered,” notes The Times. The Guardian’s headline reads: ”A final vote – since it is an election”.

In the next week, the UNION-friendly members of parliament to continue the work to carve out an alternative Brexitplan, which may be able to get the support of a majority. According to The Guardian and several other newspapers are considering the people in Mays’s inner circle to ask the prime minister’s agreement to this new Brexitplan in a final, decisive vote.

would lose even then, she should be prepared to call an early presidential election. None of this has, however, been officially confirmed.

The of the Uk’s newspapers have close ties to brexitörfalangen in the Tories, lifts in place until the requirements on a ”no deal”, a avtalslös Brexit, as thousands of demonstrators brought in London on Friday.

give up the Brexit we voted for”, reads The Daily Express förstasidesrubrik, with a picture of a crowd in the background. At the same time braskar The Daily Telegraph, the former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, is returning writer: ”We must embrace a ‘no deal’”.

Opinion is divided. Last weekend, demonstrating in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of britons for a referendum on the Brexit.

But if nothing else happens, the Uk at the moment against a avtalslös Brexit on 12 april.

Read more: Erik de la Reguera: the Election has become more likely