STATUES . Two events, two ways of seeing the world, two countries. After years of attacks from a distance, Matteo Salvini today it is presented to the Statues, without, however, ever reach the village of welcome, presided over by Mimmo Lucano and a group of protesters with a counter-demonstration have coloured the country. Geographically close, but politically remote sidereal, the two squares are compared at a distance. In numbers, in the contents and in the taunts that are mutually exchanged.

In the Navy, Salvini was presented with the throng of candidates around the area to make the set of wetsuit on the stage and the time quota dictated by a mini-tour of the five stages in a single day. “Today is a working day, maybe some of you had to ask permission to be present here in the square, says the leader of the League, perhaps a little disappointed by the less than two hundred people crowded under the stage, and all the armed flag pro Salvini. Ten, maximum fifteen minutes of intervention, with the horses of battle developed for the regional calabrian – agriculture, 106, hospitals – pitted in a hurry to leave space for the debate on immigration.

“If there are houses and work for all are before the calabrians and italians, and then the rest of the world,” thunders the leader of the League, who then announces: “When I go to
Government, I’ll try to slow the landings of migrants and will close the ports. In Calabria, we want the tourists who pay, not those who are paid”. With a lot of slur controversy to the commander Carola Rackete. “Only in Italy they process me and not you” mumbled. Then there is the world of openness that ends up under attack. “Left did so not because they are generous but because we were earning a lot of money. And you here do you know something”. Of Lucan does not the name, but it is to him and to the group with him are demonstrating that Salvini seems to be addressing.