What is Hans-Georg Maaßen? It’s been a while still the business most protection of the Constitution was the chief. But now he is back on the political stage. The Comeback began last weekend with his appearance at the Union, the stronghold of the Discontented in the CDU and the CSU. There Maaßen mood against Merkel’s migration policy.

Then he was at the European police Congress, look, and operation of small-talk and chatted with Ex-BND chief Gerhard Schindler. Yesterday, finally, the value of the Union proudly proclaimed, Maaßen is now a member of – as well as the controversial policy, Professor Werner Patzelt. Maaßen although there is otherwise not in the cards. But one thing is for sure: With his political career, he is not ready yet.

Nahles not on the Bremen party conference

Everyone: is aware of Two dates at the same time, you have to choose a difficult. For SPD Leader Andrea Nahles revealed but for this weekend a real quandary. You should to the Congress of European socialists in Madrid?

Or to Bremen, where the SPD decide on your program for the upcoming state election want? Here the social Democrats have governed since 1946 continuously, but the high castle shakes and a loss of power would be for the SPD is a small disaster.

daily mirror tomorrow location

Free of charge However, Nahles has decided: she flies to Madrid. This is the Comrades in Bremen, maybe even right? This suspicion party boss Sascha Aulepp speaks vigorously. It is now a “very labor intensive” land of Congress, which limits the time for a long Talk. “The framework would not be the Federal prominence.” Regret sounds so different.

Schulze runs against a wall

environment Minister Svenja Schulze has in the Grand coalition eh no easy time of it. But with your climate protection act, you run the Union up against a wall. My colleagues of the “daily mirror Background on energy & climate” to have a look at the design: Schulze wants to reduce by 2050 greenhouse gas emissions by “at least 95 percent” – and the other Ministers. Transport, agriculture, all should participate.

the departments fail in their goals for the climate, would be the consequences for your household. This should also help to ensure that Germany meets its climate protection obligations in the EU. However, the Union of Schulze’s proposal. She wants no part of the law, as the Minister is planning it, but only measures laws for the individual areas. And even in the SPD, not all are convinced. Here, Schulze now needs urgently a strong supporter.

turning in the AfD-donations scandal

Alice ryegrass seemed to be within the party to have the worst over. After their AfD colleagues last November smelly were mad at you because of the donations affair, was hear about it soon. But now, the group boss is already in focus.

the Euro 132,000, which were landed in 2017 on the account of Weidels district Association: Of the 14 donor name provided by the AfD in the Bundestag administration, seem to have donated some never. According to the “mirror” and “Report Mainz,” have you been paid to say that. It is unclear by whom.

In the ryegrass-bearing increases the tension. Your personal press spokesman, told me about the donations: “Mrs. Weidel know where the money came from.” And: “Here may have been transferred selectively poisoned money, to harm a woman ryegrass.” But that would be a very bizarre plot.

“Framing Manual”: ARD misled

Also, for the scientist Elisabeth Wehling of the language it is now uncomfortable. 120,000 euros she’d gotten from the ARD for the “Framing Manual”, which provides for days for discussions. Now Wehlings “Berkeley International Framing institutions” device in focus. The Name has led to the ARD may be misleading. The transmitter composite apparently believed, to have the work of the American elite University of Berkeley in California ordered.

A fallacy: Wehling was after completing her doctorate at Berkeley while still a Postdoc at the University, said a University spokeswoman to the daily mirror. Wehlings Institute but I have no Connections with the University of California, Berkeley. As the cognitive scientist has built, apparently, only a well-sounding facade.

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