The defendants, their lawyers and their supporters outside the Supreme Court building, and rejected the whole procedure as a ”political trial”, while large parts of the Spanish public regards them as traitors.

for the HD’s seven judges and four prosecutors to prepare the case against the twelve separatistledare not fled the country. As many find themselves in exile in Belgium, Switzerland and Scotland, and will not be extradited by their host countries.

the Courtroom, next to the Columbus square in Madrid, was heavily guarded and visitors were subjected to heavy-handed thinning. One of the avhysta was Joan Tardá, representing the Catalan independence party ERC in the Madrid congress. He said during an impromptu press conference on the street:

– this process is a farce! The intention is to deter others from similar actions, partly to avenge.

for the new right-wing populist party, Vox, which has grown strongly in the recent past, gave the air to the opposite view:

” Let the law have its course, without mercy and without benådningar. The Catalan aktivistkommittéerna should be dissolved and sjävstyret in the region is being removed.

the Trial is expected to last at least until september, maybe longer. At the same time with the legal negotiations are the Catalan question plunged Spain into a severe domestic political crisis. Högernationalisterna accusing prime minister Pedro Sánchez to disappoint the constitution when he negotiates with the Catalan separatistpartierna – whose leaders face skranket in Madrid.

Sánchez to a difficult balancing act. On the one hand, he will not get through its budget without the Catalan separatistpartiernas support, on the other side protesting many in his own socialistparti PSOE against what they see as the ”horse-trading” with dangerous insurgents.

the Situation in separatistlägret is reversed: Many think it is outrageous that their leaders negotiate with the Spanish regime that kept their leaders in preventive prison without charge for eighteen months.

Read more: Trial against Catalan separatists begins