How to play the this “Workshop” for the migration policy, since 2015, says one of the CDU’s Bureau, he had not figured it out yet. A consolation for all who stand outside the doors of the closed meeting of the CDU Executive Board in Potsdam and puzzles, what will the new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer plans. So far, not once, whether Angela Merkel is said to occur as the main responsible for this time there, not to mention the second main actor Horst Seehofer. Only so much seems clear: A jury on the predecessor Kramp-karrenbauer don’t want to keep.

The event plays only a minor role in the discussions in Potsdam Congress hotel. Exactly the way as Friedrich Merz: Kramp-Karrenbauer reported only briefly, how your competitors in the future for the CDU wants to get involved; no questions, no comments. The Chancellor gives an Overview of the foreign policy focal points of Brexit to Syria. Otherwise, Angela Merkel is a guest like everyone else and hold back the impression of some of the participants to be aware of.

The work programme, the CDU-tip from Sunday evening to Monday lunch-time talks, would affect mainly the annual calendar Kramp cart Builder, and its Secretary General, Paul Ziemiak. The party Chairman is not at the same time, Chancellor, makes such long-term planning possible, but also necessary. Finally, Kramp-Karrenbauer has already collected in your application for the CDU chairmanship of the claim, to secure the party’s new priority in addition to and independent of the government.

The upcoming elections are for the new CDU-Duo to the test

Thick marked on the calendar are the 26. May 1. September and the 27. October. The European elections, at the same time as parliamentary elections in Bremen, and the Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia are tests for the new Duo. The CDU Executive Board shall appoint on Monday the guest Manfred Weber to the common top candidate of the CDU and CSU for the European elections – a matter of form, behind which, however, is the first Test for the new Unity of the Union sisters. The CSU-man Weber announces a campaign about how to “from a clear Patriotic Position” is a good Europeans can be in contrast to populist nationalists. “Who wants to abolish parliaments, is obviously not really from the democracy convinced,” says Weber, the claim of the AfD, the European Parliament should be abolished. The “German Brexit-party” is the “Alternative”; people who wanted Chaos after the British model, get it with her, for “stability and security” of the Union.

These root strikes also Kramp-karrenbauer. “Prosperity and growth have come in the years”, – stated in the short focus paper. How both can be in the face of challenges from the outside, more secure should be a main point of the party work, the “safety” of the second.

Including the workshop discussion on the 10 drops. and 11. February. Kramp – Karrenbauer want to invite, especially practitioners, to submit an inventory and proposals for improvement for the management of Migration and the consequences. The Saar countries is not a new window-debates on new laws. You want to make the hand fixed way, with you as the head of government in Saarbrücken, Germany, the refugee crisis, comparatively noiseless, managed, approach to the Maxim for all.

A further focus of the party’s work: The 30. Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall

third priority for the party of 30. Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. That sounds like a history seminar. But in Potsdam, the three country have insisted the heads of the election campaigns countries in a very concrete practical consequences. In the Ex-GDR, the generations reach retirement age, which had to change after the fall of the wall her entire professional life. With consequences for the pension. His mother, says Mike Mohring, have worked for 45 years and wars around the 700 Euro pension. The basic pension is specially for the broken employment histories in the East could not wait for the pension Commission. It is a matter of appreciation and impact on state elections: “How to make soundboard from populists?”

The Thuringian should actually be in Erfurt, the host of this exam. He had to cancel – cancer-surgery, chemotherapy. Mohring is emaciated and wears a hat. But he’s already making jokes and assured the party friends that his Doctors are optimistic. In a couple of weeks, he wants to be as the top candidate fit enough for the wind-up of the election campaign.

More about

European elections in 2019 Weber, who is joint top candidate of the CDU and CSU

Claudia Little Max Kuball

Kramp-Karrenbauer will now have to wait for the announced basic pensions-draft of the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD). New peace in the coalition counts among the good new year resolutions of all three partners. The end of the month of the CDU Executive Board has placed the topic but on re-submission.