the Centre and the greens are once again arguing about climate policy. This time, the extraordinary incident was perceived as the parliamentary transport and communications committee.

the government parties ‘ representatives withdrew on Thursday in a meeting mediate erojaan recorded on an increase in fuel taxes and climate policies.

yle of the data, the question was ultimately one sentence, the formulation of the committee’s report.

the Incident tells you how closely the government parties were watching each other for themselves in important matters. Now the question was a government contract for gasoline and diesel tax increases.

the government of the party of mutual controversy in the committee meeting and even the opposition front has been interpreted as a awkward case.

the Altercation began when the transport and communications committee on finishing a statement to the government budget proposal and the fiscal plan. The government intends to increase crude oil based gasoline and diesel tax to $ 250 million per year, beginning from next August.

This wasn’t the first time, when the centre and the greens dispute climate policy.

“Denied the ridiculous details”, “Example-not -discuss”

the Centre and the green controversy in the committee, was filmed in Yle “after all, the small and ridiculous detail”.

the Transport and communications committee adopted on Thursday a statement (you move to another service), which stated the fuel tax increase as follows:

a fuel tax increase proposal impact prospects for entry into force when both citizens and consumers in escalating costs in the transport and industry with extra costs and loss of competitiveness as.The committee draws the state finance committee’s attention to the fuel costs increase the negative effects and keep it is very important that well considered and based on the reports prepared for transport in respect of the taxation of the overall reform of the citizens ‘ movement and transport, the operating conditions taken into account.

Center proposal , that at the end of paragraph can be added also to the mention of a car.

Motoring-word adding set committee meeting the contention of the center and the green in the middle. Green with the exception of the other government parties had agreed to the proposal.

the centre of the appendix of the proposal after the greens offer their own lisäystään statement as follows: “ Increase complies with the polluter-pays -principle and is in line with Finland’s climate targets.”

Meeting was the moment example-no discussion, one source describes the situation to Yle.

the Other government parties did not accept the greens ‘ increase proposal.

Chairman Suna She interrupted the committee meeting, so that the government parties were negotiating a break in their disputes resolving.Hanne Salonen / parliamentary chairman: at the Meeting the situation seemed to hang

the chairman of the Committee, the SDP Suna She pictures, that at the meeting the situation seemed to hang.

– it Was better that the government parties are talking to each other, not the whole committee. There was a need to talk about the policies and the search for compromise, She says.

the committee on the vice-president of Ari Torniainen (kesk.) recall that opinion is ultimately the government parties in the unanimous view of both the government programme and the expert consultation on line. The tower was the center of the proposed modification factor.

in the Parliament it is the policy of the committee on council as an official write a statement of the basis of the proposal, which the committee can propose amendments.

changes in the presentation and doing is normal. The government party of a mutual altercation and the meeting break, the need for processing the final stage is exceptional.

negotiating during the break, the government parties reached a basic agreement. As well as the center that the greens withdrew their opinion on the change proposal.Hanne Salonen / Parliamentary strife out of a meeting, unanimous back

the controversy of the government parties needed half an hour to negotiate the break.

Raimo Piirainen , the SDP deputy member of the committee, asked it on the table. The government party mps marched out of a meeting nearby to the empty room, to advise.

after Half an hour, the government parties ‘ representatives returned to the meeting unanimously.

the centre and the greens withdrew their proposals, as the committee’s minutes (you move to another service) will appear.

Motoring-word was left out of the committee. The green proposal was not taken to the opinion.

instead, the statement was added to the mention of the citizens ‘ movement. Thus the controversial point in the end was recorded in the form “prepared with regard to transport tax total reform citizens movement and transport operating conditions, taking into account the “.

the Committee therefore judged it, that the fuel tax increase increases costs and suggested that the government would initiate transport taxation total reform.

Green contest drama: a Meeting mode of action

Thursday’s committee has been given several interpretations.

It has been considered again, as evidenced by the center and the greens of different views on climate policy and the suspect green to be a lot of pressure to get the fight against climate change appears to be better. In addition, there is reflection in the green of the new mps limited experience of committee work.

the Green committee responsible, mps Mirka soini touch denied that it had been the green of inexperience. Soini on, it was a discussion of how transport and communications committee works.

there’s been dramatic. It was a policy meeting and it wasn’t green, Soini said.

the Statement is the transport and communications committee on finance committee who makes the final decision on the proposal, i.e. of the whole of parliament. The question is what form of government the budget will eventually be approved.

the true finns and national coalition party left the opinion of the dissenting opinions. The finns took very critical of fuel tax increases. The coalition requires that fuel tax increases should be withdrawn.

Last election season for the parliamentary social affairs and health committee was also of the then government parties of disputes sote, i.e. social and health care services reform. Juha Sipilä (kesk.) the government resigned in the middle of the season and sote born.


Analysis: the Center and the green food in the war – lihavero to split the party already in yle’s election machine in

Haavisto centre and the greens continued climate nokittelusta: “The root is reached Säätytalo, where the objectives do together”

the Prime minister Antti Rinne centre and green nokittelusta environmental policy: “you should only klaaraa people have a right”

the Transport and communications committee on the government’s budget proposal (you move to another service)

the Transport and communications committee minutes of the 7.11.2019 (you move to another service)

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