the 26-year-old Hanna birch bay torment began in November last year. Birch bay went to bed well and woke up itching. The next morning the grease was easier for space and for the evening the skin was already in good condition, but during the night the rash came back. The same was repeated the next day. And the next. And the next.

Seinäjoki, a resident of birch bay, consider symptoms to cause many allergies, even bed bugs, but the website found on the symptoms of the cause: hives, i.e. hives.

Urticaria symptoms usually last a few days or weeks. Birch bay, however, the symptoms only continued.

It appeared always during the night and during the day towards the evening I facilitated. The next morning the rash was on the rise again.

in the acute, a few days or a few weeks in nettle rash in the symptoms of the trigger is usually a virus. Many people get the hives just the winter frosts began.

the Skin against irritation, such as pressure, rubbing, or sweating, triggers symptoms one-fifth of urticaria disease. A few percent of the symptoms are due to hypersensitivity to the drug or food substance.

– Many people have a misconception that acute urticaria would always be allergy induced, although it is usually an infection triggered. This misunderstanding may be due to the fact that it is often treated with allergy medications, tell your dermatologist Carl Kyrklund ihosairaan area.

Hives every fifth Finnish at some stage of life, but its chronic, more than 6 weeks resistant form is rare and difficult to treat condition. It usually occurs in adults, and it affects about one per cent of the population.

antihistamines and cortisone

Hanna birch bay got the first urticaria symptoms a year ago in November, and began to treat dermatitis allergy medicines.

Many just antihistamines bring relief urtikariaan. Unlike many people think, allergy medicine can kyrklund, according to safely used in bigger quantities.

– antihistamine to eat normally allergies one tablet a day. Nokkosihottu mass to the standard of care, according to a recommendation to eat up to four tablets a day. It is the number one treatment, which is started.

birch bay started first with one tablet a day, but symptoms persist he filed in January, a doctor and the dosage was increased to four tablets a day.

at the Beginning of antihistamine eased, but then the power ran out. Birch bay tried five different allergy medicine, and also a combination of them, but the symptoms just continued.

just Under half a year of ill health after birch bay got chronic urticaria diagnosis. The hives long-term the form I get only one per cent of sufferers.

Even if the skin-a symptom of the cause survived, it does not mean that the right medication would be found easily.

the Only thing that kept the rash bearable as was a large dose of cortisone. When the dose number of attempts were made to try mind dribble, the symptoms became intolerable.

long-term cortisone use was also not good. Disease exercise reduce, and in combination with medication with the birch bay went on to gain 15 pounds.

– Weight gain was affected so much self-esteem. Fortunately, the adrenal cortex did not say to himself off I eat cortisone amounts due.

If the antihistamine is not effective, chronic urtikariaan can also be prescribed as an injection to be given omalizumab injections.

the Worst disease swollen face unrecognizable.Hanna birch bay kotialbumiIso impact on quality of life

the Allergy, Skin and asthma federation deputy director of operations and nurse Sirpa Pajunen according to the urticaria appears to be the worst quality of life, self-esteem, sleeping and work endurance.

– Many, for example, formation of hives on the palms and soles of the feet, which can be really painful, Pajunen says.

birch bay, the challenges are familiar. He had to leave the home food store, the guy from the festival and his friends trust suddenly arisen skin-symptoms. We accumulate sick leave.

a Year ago, published a large study (you move to another service) confirms that chronic urticaria strongly influenced by the work and civilian life. The disease was hampered by a significant many the ability to function and caused absenteeism.

the Study involved more than 4000 patients with chronic urticaria patients from 21 countries.

in General, patients were dissatisfied with the care he received and the disease was found to alihoidetut be. The goal of treatment should be symptoms down, but this is according to research too rarely. Many had given up and stopped visiting the doctor the symptoms continue despite.

Now the symptoms have remained absent for two months, and birch bay has got to stop cortisone use.Merja Siirilä / YleUseat experience understatement

“Well, whether it is ny really that bad?”

“Put now only something of fat. Yes it will improve.”

birch bay has experienced an understatement and curious glances of their symptoms, therefore, even the medical staff. Pajunen, according to ihosairauksissa needed were a change of attitude. Fortunately is reached, however, the idea that urticaria should be second-class disease.

– Urticaria is a serious illness that can be life-risk one. For example, laryngeal edema and narrowing of the airways are rare, but dangerous symptoms.

nokkosihottu mass occur at the worst also blood pressure and intense intestinal symptoms. Birch bay suffer from heart symptoms and rhythm disturbances.

heart Rate were up really high, even though I was just lying in my bed.

Urtikariaan is also associated with angioedema, i.e. the skin or mucous membrane, appeared on the sudden, and local swelling. Birch bay spent many nights in the emergency room, because the face swelled beyond recognition.

during the Year he has been tried allergy medicine, cortisone in four different strength, stick contain medicines and ihokeliakian treatment for medicine. Money in their and the doctor visits has gone over a thousand euros.

birch bay had no symptoms now for two months.

I’ve received permission to stop the cortisone and put once a month at home into subcutaneous tissue of a biological medicine, which now thankfully appears to keep the symptoms under control.

Still can not say with certainty that the disease would be gone. Chronic urticaria may erupt in the future again.

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