The mere message on stimulates. The German head of state, Frank-Walter Steinmeier congratulates the government of Iran welcome to the 40. The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, “on behalf of my country people”. You have to remember the Federal President is really the essence of the Islamic Revolution?

the Fact that Iran today is a state Sponsor of international terrorism, Israel, with destruction looming, who denies the Holocaust, women oppressed, executes homosexuals, religious conversions punished with death – and the expansion of fundamentalist ideology. A country in which bones are broken and necks are cut. The moral compass that should guide the words of the Federal President, has failed in this case, grossly. It is stone of Meier’s first serious mistake in the highest office of state.

It is dam important. Only words, are only a telegram is gesture an. But this fails to recognize the force of such symbolism. As the Mullahs in Iran, their Regime is established, and ended in Cambodia, the tyranny of the Khmer Rouge. What would have happened, if the then Federal President Walter Scheel in the year before Pol Pot would have congratulated on an anniversary? Where Terror begins with, ends with etiquette.

Steinmeier congratulations to 40 years of Islamic Revolution, however, is not only runs, but also fatal. It feeds the suspicion that Germany would stay out of economic self-interest and “heartfelt” devotion to Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu, and Donald Trump calling for a long time that the Europeans also terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran.

for Twelve years, all members of the UN security Council plus Germany, negotiates with Tehran before the agreement was signed in the year of 2015. It allowed the civilian use of nuclear technology, prevent the construction of nuclear weapons for at least 15 years. Barack Obama described it as the greatest diplomatic achievement of his term of office. However, it includes neither the rocket nor the support of international terrorism. US President, Trump announced it.

Netanyahu draws a fundamental Parallel between Iran and the Nazi Regime, accuses Germany of Appeasement, accused Tehran to plan a second Holocaust. A Federal President did not need to share this assessment, but may give never the impression that it is ignoring such Concerns. Germany and the other signatory powers, with the exception of the United States – are convinced that no agreement is worse than a bad, limited, after all, in time, the danger of an Iranian nuclear bomb bans. This sober and pragmatic point of view is discredited by congratulations from the pen of the Federal President. The telegram suggests more than security political interests, it suggests partnership.

More about

congratulations to Iran, Steinmeier-telegram: “the year-long state of practice”

Claudia salts,

, but not Germany. Iran is a rogue state. The only dissent to Trump and Netanyahu is how the Regime in Tehran can be deterred most effectively by the construction of a nuclear bomb. Who keeps sanctions and the threat of military Intervention is not sufficient, you need to keep channels of Dialogue open. Congratulatory telegrams go far beyond that.