– We will not appeal the ruling. He has, of course, considering the reasons for and against and also received notice that the prosecutor does not intend to appeal. Then he decided to accept the judgment and take their punishment, says Johan Eriksson to the TT.

During the last förhandlingsdagen admitted the 22-year-old in the theft and was convicted of aggravated theft and attempted aggravated theft.

as a cheeky coup was carried out against the Strängnäs cathedral. Two people were seen leaving the church area on a bicycle and fled by boat from a jetty near the church.

With him were the thieves a riksäpple and two kungakronor in the gold that was used in the time of king Karl IX and queen Kristina the elder funerals in the beginning of the 1600s. Regalia has an insured value of sek 65 million.