“All this shows that Joseph Conte has always lied, one who has never taken a vote in his life: the italians are waiting for him in the elections, before they do irreparable damage”. So the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, has commented on the announcement, published yesterday by the Republic, the premier Giuseppe Conte want to stay in politics even after his commitment to the Palazzo Chigi.

The right is the match immediately on the attack of the president of the Council, which at the press conference of the end of the year, the 28th of December, she has stated that she does not want to point to a group in the Parliament and had publicly dissuaded the grillini restless form of the parliamentary groups in its support. Now Conte has said that he will not be “a new Cincinnato”, that he retired to private life. And that, therefore, his commitment, in some way, will continue.

“Here is yet another leader left attached to the chair,” he responded, the parent company of the Chamber of Forza Italia, Maristella Gelmini. “The premier sooner or later you will have to undergo, like all politicians, to the response of the will of the people. The voters have already sent several eviction notices, and the last will not tarry. Democracy is stronger than the attachment to power,” explained Annamaria Bernini, the parent company of Forza Italia to the Senate.

But in the day yesterday have made more noise than those of his own majority, which instead have remained silent. Perhaps because, inevitably, they read the move of the chairman of the board as a first act of the competition. Silent Renzi. Tace Of Maio. It mostly affects the deafening silence of the Cinquestelle. In indoor environments, the Movement is, however, to note that the output of the premier “was neither timely nor useful to the government”.

The dualism Of Maio-Count is likely to be one of the themes of the next few months. A duel that may put at risk the balance of power in the government post. The more time passes the more you risk the accident. And at the same time, it could get complicated more and more the relationship between the Cinquestelle and the Count, who has made more ambiguous in the course of the last few months, after the launch of Count 2.

The Cinquestelle had imposed as premier last August, when the Pd initially did not want him. And now, instead, represents a “point of reference” for the progressives, as he said recently, the leader of Pd, Nicola Zingaretti. And yesterday environments dem have expressed satisfaction for the purpose of the premier.

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